Tuesday, January 12, 2010

moaning groaning and a whole lot of whine

It is a sad, sad day around here. Miss Molly is well, shall we say under the weather?! Unfortunately for her, change in personality is not an indicator of illness. (though I have to admit, we have really, really enjoyed sweet Molly lately. She truly has been a lot of fun since around Thanksgiving) Molly started off the day clinging and moaning (not unlike other days) so I really didn't think anything of it. I did notice she was laying around more than normal, but I just thought she was tired. when did I finally realize she was not feeling well, you ask?! well, it was a tell tale sign --she refused to eat. Yes, she has started getting pickier, but this was no breakfast, no snack, no lunch... poor baby. This is the pathetic site I saw following me around the house:
At least she had 3 of her most favorite things: Her green pacifier (hidden) her blanket (she is quite attached to this blanket) and of course mowmow (elmo). Oh, yeah, have I mentioned her new love of hats?!

Sam, well he seemed fine, but the fact that he FELL ASLEEP on the couch today during nap time (I told him he needed to "rest" for a while) was a little bit of an indicator, 2 1/2 days later... fever, causing him to miss out on a fabulous birthday bash here. :(
Thankfully for Sam, "germies" (his word, not mine) only last for a day or two... Molly, poor thing, it goes a lot longer.