Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

This is what we have done a lot of this week, we call it BONDING" ha haNew Year, A New start. Happy 2010! Wow, 2010. Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the turn of the century into 2000.
This year I have BIG goals... BIG I tell you!!! Well, it is big for me, I guess, you see, I don't usually have goals for the new year (weird, I know) so, ANY goal is big right?! One thing I do know for sure is that I will not be as "sassy" as I was 2 years ago... you see, I never did do that crash diet and still don't have the swim suit bod I was anticipating. But that is ok, it has ONLY been 18 months (ugh)
I am keeping a more specific list that I hope to check frequently throughout each month, but for the sake of accountability for myself, I shall share the broad topics on line.

In no specific order, during the year 2010 I shall :

Set goals for myself
Be a better wife and mother
Memorize more scriptures
Not just stick to my budget, but come UNDER it each month
Laugh at the little things that my kids so that drive me crazy
Work on my patience
Be more thoughtful and considerate to those that I appreciate, and let them know they are appreciated
Be more giving
Consider those less fortunate than me and make a difference
Feed my children more fruits and vegetables
Get rid of all the junk stuff taking over my dining room
Put pictures in the empty picture frames throughout the house, update pictures in all the other frames
Scrap more, be more creative
Plan a vacation
Be more organized
Teach my children more about Jesus
Clean out and rearrange "my room" so that I can actually know what is in it and use it!!
Keep my house "company friendly" 90% of the time
Lose the weight I have gained since being married
Be on the computer less, but blog more
Plan ahead
grow my fingernails pretty again
Clear out (some of) the clutter
Finish the projects I have started
Redecorate a room in my house

whew, looks like a lot huh? do you think I can accomplish it all within 12 months? I do, I WILL!!!! Hopefully I will have status reports throughout the year (mainly for myself) to see how "on track I am" what about you? Did you set any goals for yourself this year?


Anonymous said...

A lot of good goals...I am tired just from reading them.haha