Sunday, January 31, 2010

BBQ deal

Menu Board - Dallas

If you have a Dickey’s Barbecue Pit nearby, Every Monday, thru January and February, you can snag a Pulled Pork Big Barbecue Sandwich for just $1 (limit 2 per customer). Plus, Dickey’s also offers up FREE soft served vanilla ice cream when you dine in!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

penny for your thoughts

1. Curtain Straightener

Make an opening in the bottom hem, slide in a penny or two, and sew the hem back up to keep curtains hanging level and stick-straight.

2. Tread Checker

Insert a penny into a groove of a tire with Lincoln’s head pointing into the tire. If the groove covers part of his head, you’re safe to drive; if the head is in full view, it’s time for new wheels. (The distance between the rim of a penny and Lincoln’s head is 1/16 of an inch―the minimum suggested tread depth.)

3. Table Anchor

If you dine out and the table is unsteady, put a coin under the leg to restore balance.

4. Game Token

Misplaced the thimble? No problem. Sub in a cent.

5. Makeshift Screwdriver

Use a penny to screw open a toy’s battery pack.

6. Icebreaker

Hand out pennies at your next gathering and ask each guest to share a story that happened during the year his or her penny was minted. If the coin predates a friend, let the person improvise.

7. Birdbath Cleaner

To ward off algae, toss in a few pre-1982 coins; the high copper content retards growth.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

how to make the perfect meatball

We love Italian food. I make homemade spaghetti sauce. Kirk loves meatballs, I do not. There are never meatballs on our spaghetti. When I asked if I could do the cake decorating class with my friends Kirk of course said yes, but also asked if I could take a "meatball making" class as well. Poor guy, he has been waiting almost 7 years of marriage for these little things. I decided to go to my mom favorite secret source for her recipe and grant him his wish. I do not know what was preventing me from making them before... they really are not that difficult--- allow me to take you step by step through the process

~take son to speech class and return home
~gather some ingredients
~give daughter of animal crackers
~gather a few more ingredients
~turn Elmo on the tv
~look at recipe
~notice daughter stolen bread bag from pantry
~take bread and bag away, redirect child to Elmo
~attempt to put ingredients into bowl and mix with hands
~notice silence in family room and take a look
~see daughter with bread pieces (that she has hidden just prior to me taking bag away)--and newspaper ads all over floor~wash hands
~snap picture (of course) and remove bread~notice bread crumbs EVERYWHERE (couch/floor/entry way)---can she look any more innocent with the evidence in her hand?
~start rolling into balls
~notice child has taken every single toy out of the toy boxes in family room
~continue rolling
~notice child has removed all the diapers from the basket and strewn them around the family room
~continue rolling
~notice daughter has now emptied out every single item from her cabinet in the kitchen (with tupperware etc) and scattered them about the kitchen, entry and family rooms
~turn off timer (set to remind me to pick up son from speech class)
~finish the last couple of balls
~wash hands, take picture and place balls into fridge~gather keys, phone, daughter
~cringe at the messes that both child and I have made
~hope that dishwasher that is STILL running doesn't flood house while I am gone ( I never leave washer/dryer/dishwasher running while gone)
~open washing machine lid to remind myself that there are freshly washed, wet clothes in there that need to go into dryer
~Realize daughter has escaped and run up the stairs
~run to get her
~sit in carpool line and realize how completely blessed I am

notice there are not THAT many meatballs... meaning, it did not take that long for the tornado to occur at the house.

and you thought this was going to have a recipe attached to it didn't you?!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Who's the best mommy ever?!

What a fun day! We started it off by going to the grand opening of our new Kroger and literally ate our way through the store. There were all kinds of goodies from cheeses, more fruits than you can count, nuggets, lunch meat, chocolate milk (yes, you guessed it, my kids passed on this one) salad, sushi,pasta salads, sauted mushrooms in a fresh tortilla, salsa, ice cream I know there was more, but I will not bore you (or make you any more jealous) Though the store was insanely crowded, and it was hard to maneuver while trying to feed yourself as well as a child, it was a fun experience. Thankfully my mom came to check out the new store too so we tag teamed it , she took 1 kid, I took the other. Germ-a-phoebes would have been completely freaked out, I typically am not a big fan of the food samples left out in the store, though don't mind it if it is a manned station that they are cooking or preparing right there. BUT I figured, it is a brand new store, the food was being snarfed up so fast they were replenishing it frequently so we should be safe
Click to view image details

Later that evening Kirk went over to a friend's house so the kids and I decided we should have a fun night too. We headed to sonic, where Sam got his beloved "cearn dog" and cherry slushy, then we headed back home for... what else but a PICNIC in the house. Yes, a very very rare occurrence took place, we spread out the blanket on the family room floor, ate our food and watched Shrek (Sam's choice believe it or not... I did not complain, it is a million times better than Strawberry Shortcake Christmas!!) WOW, how cool am I?! Maybe this will win me some brownie points and I can redeem them for an extra hour of sleep, aahhhh, wouldn't that be nice?!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First cake

Sam was sooo ready for cake he was dreaming about it. From the moment I started baking the cake he kept asking about it. He was so confused as to why I was baking one and wanted to know whose birthday it was. (it is obvious we don't have cake in our house unless there is a birthday) I had promised him that once the cake was done (after my class) that he could have a big piece. Unfortunately we ran out of time at our class and were unable to finish decorating them there, so we needed to finish at home. I did not expect Sam to still be up when I got home from class that night, but he was and was all set and ready for his cake. I felt so bad telling him that I still had more decorating to do and he could not have it until the next day. Poor guy, woke up the next morning waiting for that sweet bit of cake goodness, but, um, I had not finished the cake yet, so he had to wait til later in the day (sorry kiddo)
Here is Meghan at class with the start of her cake. . mine...
And here it is what you've all been waiting for... the fruit of my labor. I just keep reminding myself, just wait to see the improvements (can't help but to improve on this one!)
But, I guess the proof is in the pudding and I got 2 thumbs up by 2 very tough critics!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The class

So, I had thought about making one of my New years goals about doing something fun and out of the box, but since I wasn't sure that would work, and the fact that I already had a ton of other goals I thought I'd better not add it. Well, I think maybe I should have added it, because if I had I could have something to scratch off my list as DONE. Oh well, (note to self, put things on goal list that you KNOW will happen so that it looks like you DID actually achieve something!)
Sorry about all the rambling, I just got back from my girls night out (Bunco) and managed to drink several Dr. peppers so I think I am going a little zippy. Back to topic...
My friend Melissa called me up and said, hey, Kelly, do you want to take a cake decorating class with Meghan and I? It starts tomorrow and we need to sign up in the next few hours. Ok, as most of you know, I am not the most spontaneous person in the world, but I have always wanted to take one of these classes, and it is always more fun to do with friends right?! So, I called Kirk (since he would need to come home early those nights to watch the kids) and signed right up! I am so glad I did. It has been fun. I am learning a lot of neat "cake secrets" though I am not sure that I have the ability to repeat them ha.
Here is the class homework... bake a cake and make butter cream icing... The kids are enjoying the fact that mommy has homework!

honestly, are those not some pretty happy faces?!
oh, and yes, there has been a couple of time that I have regretted the fact that I have given my children and abundance of sugar during the day... those people who say it is an old wives tale about the sugar making children hyper, well, they have not seen these two in action post icing beater licking!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti help

If you are looking for some way to help out the victims of the Haitian earthquake here are a few reliable organizations that are working diligently in Haiti. The mission organizations listed below are sponsored by our church

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fresco Taco coupon

Try the Fresco Taco FREE at Taco bell. Just go HERE and print your coupon. Might just have to try one of these....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

moaning groaning and a whole lot of whine

It is a sad, sad day around here. Miss Molly is well, shall we say under the weather?! Unfortunately for her, change in personality is not an indicator of illness. (though I have to admit, we have really, really enjoyed sweet Molly lately. She truly has been a lot of fun since around Thanksgiving) Molly started off the day clinging and moaning (not unlike other days) so I really didn't think anything of it. I did notice she was laying around more than normal, but I just thought she was tired. when did I finally realize she was not feeling well, you ask?! well, it was a tell tale sign --she refused to eat. Yes, she has started getting pickier, but this was no breakfast, no snack, no lunch... poor baby. This is the pathetic site I saw following me around the house:
At least she had 3 of her most favorite things: Her green pacifier (hidden) her blanket (she is quite attached to this blanket) and of course mowmow (elmo). Oh, yeah, have I mentioned her new love of hats?!

Sam, well he seemed fine, but the fact that he FELL ASLEEP on the couch today during nap time (I told him he needed to "rest" for a while) was a little bit of an indicator, 2 1/2 days later... fever, causing him to miss out on a fabulous birthday bash here. :(
Thankfully for Sam, "germies" (his word, not mine) only last for a day or two... Molly, poor thing, it goes a lot longer.

Monday, January 11, 2010

survivor is back

Woo Hoo Here it is... they revealed who will be on the 20th season of Survivor "Heroes vs Villains" I think I am gonna like this season!! A few of my all time favorite players are returning.. Rupert, Colby, James even Rob. I also enjoyed not liking Russell this past season and though I did not watch the entire season, thought he should have won. Now you know what my Thurs night plans are for come Feb. 11!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Do I need on umbrella

here is a pretty cool site that you can go to to find out the weather and chance of rain in your area. I know, I know you can go to the news station and see the weather, or turn on the tv etc, but this is pretty fun regardless.

Thank you soldiers

Go here to hear the 3rd grade students from Tussing Elementary in Colonial Heights singing a song written by their music teacher. It is on Youtube and very sweet.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Deals, free breakfast, coupons, and music

IKEA is offering a FREE breakfast this weekend!I Go there January 9th or 10th before 11am to get a FREE breakfast! You will receive a small breakfast and small cup of coffee.

**Offer not valid at IKEA Houston or IKEA Direct.

Michaels has a great coupon! Saturday, January 9th from 1pm-9pm and Sunday, January 10th from 1pm-7pm get an additional 20% off your entire purchase with this coupon! The best part–this coupon includes regular, sale, and clearance items

The Biggest Loser and Subway are offering a free download of their workout mix. Just go here and use the code SW107 at checkout

Thursday, January 07, 2010

No title, will let the post speak for itself

It started off like any other crazy day in our little world. Sam has decided he REALLY loves his sister and NEEDS her to be around him. This morning was no exception. He wanted Molly's chair next to his while they ate pop tarts and watched morning cartoons
I couldn't resist, had to put this one in here... apparently I made a better door than window for Miss Molly--- I kept getting in her way during the photo shoot :)It wasn't that much later after the sweetness of the kids sitting together that I headed to the kitchen to make us all some lunch... As I was cooking the grilled cheese sandwiches I looked out into the family room. I saw an ugly, yet familiar site. This is what I got when I reached for the camera--- apparently little Miss powder was quite pleased with herselfAs I go to the table to assess the damage, I see this... Molly deciding to take a load off after all the hard work she had done. (or better yet, I think it was her calculated way to get powder ALL over the couch) I also love the way I captured Sam checking out the mess."Oh, yes, sit back and relax, that's it, maybe no one will notice that I sprinkled powder everywhere" notice Sam telling me that she even got it all in HIS blanketOh wow!! I have been missing my favorite green friend. I must have left it here while I was destroying the house. Better get it now before mom sees it, it might place me at the scene of the crime. Hmmm, I bet the powder has a great flavor.See, I will just stand over here and smile. She will never suspect me!! I bet she blames my idol the one they call SAM... this looks like something he would do.See, I told ya, click HERE

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Free blockbuster kiosk movie

Get a free rental at BlockBuster Express with these codes!

GW11B1 – Get a free rental. (exp 1/12/10)

GT11A - Get a free rental. (exp 1/31/10)

KIOSK - free one night rental (exp 2/10/10)

GT9SA - free one night rental (exp 2/28/10)

Remember these codes are limit 1 per credit card. Movies are due by 9 pm the following day to avoid having to pay an additional $1 to rent the movie another 24 hours.

Go here to find a Blockbuster Express kiosk near you!

Free redbox movies

Get a free rental at The Redbox with these codes:

SNSV25 – good anywhere

DVDATWAG – only good at Walgreens

BREAKROOM – good anywhere

go here to find out where to find them etc.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

end of 2009

go here to see a funny rendition of the events of 2009. It is pretty funny and covers quite a bit of the major headliners! have fun

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

This is what we have done a lot of this week, we call it BONDING" ha haNew Year, A New start. Happy 2010! Wow, 2010. Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the turn of the century into 2000.
This year I have BIG goals... BIG I tell you!!! Well, it is big for me, I guess, you see, I don't usually have goals for the new year (weird, I know) so, ANY goal is big right?! One thing I do know for sure is that I will not be as "sassy" as I was 2 years ago... you see, I never did do that crash diet and still don't have the swim suit bod I was anticipating. But that is ok, it has ONLY been 18 months (ugh)
I am keeping a more specific list that I hope to check frequently throughout each month, but for the sake of accountability for myself, I shall share the broad topics on line.

In no specific order, during the year 2010 I shall :

Set goals for myself
Be a better wife and mother
Memorize more scriptures
Not just stick to my budget, but come UNDER it each month
Laugh at the little things that my kids so that drive me crazy
Work on my patience
Be more thoughtful and considerate to those that I appreciate, and let them know they are appreciated
Be more giving
Consider those less fortunate than me and make a difference
Feed my children more fruits and vegetables
Get rid of all the junk stuff taking over my dining room
Put pictures in the empty picture frames throughout the house, update pictures in all the other frames
Scrap more, be more creative
Plan a vacation
Be more organized
Teach my children more about Jesus
Clean out and rearrange "my room" so that I can actually know what is in it and use it!!
Keep my house "company friendly" 90% of the time
Lose the weight I have gained since being married
Be on the computer less, but blog more
Plan ahead
grow my fingernails pretty again
Clear out (some of) the clutter
Finish the projects I have started
Redecorate a room in my house

whew, looks like a lot huh? do you think I can accomplish it all within 12 months? I do, I WILL!!!! Hopefully I will have status reports throughout the year (mainly for myself) to see how "on track I am" what about you? Did you set any goals for yourself this year?