Sunday, May 31, 2009

We've been on the go go go

Wow, the past 2 weeks have flown by, here are just a couple of the high lights:
Kirk and I celebrated 6 years of wedded bliss
We had the recognition ceremony for my Senior Acteens. They got CROWNED this year.
Molly learned how to "kiss"Sam, Molly, Hanna, Aubree, Faye and I went to the zoo
we have been invaded by bugs. I find them EVERYWHEREKirk and I got to go to a baseball game. It was a LOT of fun!
I 'got' to go to work all night Sat.

Off to the Lake we go

After a nap (since I worked all night), we were able to head to the Lake to visit Kirk's parents last weekend. Sam got to help 'cook' He played with Aunt Leigh. He got to drive the boat.Molly enjoyed the ride on the boat as well. So much so that she conked right out on Aunt Leigh Sam enjoyed riding with Nonna. Back at the dock Sam was able to go fishing. He was not as lucky as Grandpop, but at least he was able to touch the fish grandpop caught.
These pictures were taken just prior to him falling off the dock and right into the lake. He fell between the boat and the dock walkway. Thank goodness for the "must always wear the life jacket on the dock" rule! It shook him up a bit, but don't think it will stop him from heading back out to the water again next time!!!

Kirk was able to take a couple of days off from work. Sam was able to show him around the zoo .Our friends Joshua and Jessica came along as well. Uh oh Hanna, looks like you might have a little competition for Sam's heart with miss Jessica.
We got our crib credit and were able to buy a new crib (yeah for Molly) Unfortunately we had to order it as they were out of stock, which means port a crib for another 7-10 days.
Molly celebrated her 1st birthday
and mommy got to work again.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

caught in the act

Sam was quiet as I was getting supper ready. Little did I know that the new tomatoes would be so enticing. Pre-dinner snack?!Sam left some of his new FAVORITE food on the coffee table. I should have known the snarfer would find it. Molly is not too keen on baby food, and has significantly decreased her formula intake... but she is definitely making up for it in cheerios and snacking off of mommy and Sam's plate. She also enjoys bananasSince it has been so warm out, I have been saving up our stale bread in hopes of going to the park to feed the ducks. It has been so windy that we have not been able to go, but the little snarfer found the stash. She had been playing in the pantry with the 2 liters and water bottles, but I had to take a peek since it got pretty quiet (will I EVER learn? Quite = Trouble)This is where I finally found it, I had been searching for this juice cup all morning...

Friday, May 29, 2009

the camp out

You just never know what goes on after the boy goes down for a nap. A month or so ago, it took an extremely long time for Sam to quiet down for his nap this day. He did his usual singing, talking, playing with whatever toy he can find in the room etc. It has been hit or miss as to whether or not Sam actually falls asleep during nap time, but I do make him have 'rest time' anyway. (trust me, it is best for everyone involved) Molly woke up and I thought Sam was still awake so I opened his door to let him get up and this is what I saw:

talk about your heart stopping for a minute. Where is he? I know he has to still be here in the room, right?! ohhh, deep breath, what is he doing on the floor though? crazy kid!
I did notice that he grabbed his pillow (which is ironic because he never puts his head ON it) his blanket, his choo-choo, a car and a weird little bug that he just got (and managed to pull off all the legs-- as seen all over the pillow)
After he got up, I asked why he was on the floor. He said he wanted to sleep there. Ok, I guess no other explanation needed.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

crib recall

Remember this post? Well, I believe that we had to repair the bed a few times due to broken rungs. Guess what? Apparently we were not the only ones with children of super-strength. There has been an ongoing crib recall over the past several months from the makers of our crib (Jardine) so, if you have a Jardine crib you may want to check out the website and see if your crib is listed. Reason for the recall?! "We are recalling these cribs because the wooden crib slats and spindles can break, creating a gap, which can pose an entrapment and strangulation hazard to infants." there you have it. so now, poor Molly is sleeping here: (literally.. she is in it in the picture)
What a mess huh? we had to basically take it all apart and mail in all the hardware that holds it together. We are anxiously awaiting our certificate to purchase a new one.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Big outing: SAM'S

There is a fun tradition that my parents have started with Sam. If we tag along and go to Sam's warehouse, we usually "dine" there as well. (hey, you can't beat a big hot dog and giant pop for like 2 bucks) Apparently, when you got to Sam's all the rules get thrown out the window?! Sam is allowed to run up and down the picnic area, the only rule is that he must take a bite of hot dog on his return trip. Oh, to be 3 again (but wait, I am sure that this would have NEVER flown for me when I was 3)oh yeah, Molly doesn't have to be bribed to eat... she just YELLS till food is in her mouth

Monday, May 25, 2009


twofy is now...
soon to be fourfy

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Just a few short days after the "watch-out" incident, we had another trauma. (oh, summer is here bringing with it bug bites, cuts, scrapes, and bruises) It was a nice day, we were playing nicely outside. Sam was playing in the nice sandbox, Molly was roaming all around our nice backyard. She ended up at the nice sandbox and was quietly playing by herself with the nice sand. Sam was nice enough to share that small handful of sand she had, one might say they were playing nicely together... yeah, well, I just WISH that was the end of the nice little story.

Sam moves over to the other side of sandbox, you know, the one where the swings and Molly are. Molly watches his every move, very excited that he might actually be coming over to play with her. She stands there, claps her hands and smiles, turns back to the sand to pick up another handful meanwhile Sam grabs the yellow swing in his little hands. I am sitting on the (big people) swing watching the whole event. I see the look of excitement in Molly's eyes and the look of not-so-nice in Sam's. I yell "NO" as I jump from the swing, but I was a fraction of a second too late. Sam had let go of (or rather thrown) the yellow swing right at Molly. She falls, he gets swooped up, spank on the bottom and sent to the couch (time out) Molly still in that "hold breath" mode (you know, the one that you dread to hear, the one that I just heard a few days before with Sam) I swoop her up and try to examine where the point of impact was (face/head/body/back of head etc) well, I saw it instantly. big red mark across her face. It then turned to a nice bruise, (on left side of face) matching (in grander scale) the one she already had on the lower right side of her face. "nice job", Sam. I now call her BRUISER

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

watch out

My poor baby (ooops, I um mean BIG Boy) yet another trip to the pedi acute care center. We were outside last Saturday tinkering around in the yard. Kirk and I were in the front and Sam takes off to the side because he wanted to go in the back. Since he is not suppose to just take off like that I follow him, he is running full speed ahead looking backward at me. I yell for him to turn around and to look out for... only I wasn't able to finish my sentence because he did turn around and smacked right into the corner of the house. I ran to him, swooped him up as I hear that menacing inhale of breath and we run to the front to see Kirk. Meanwhile Sam just starts to scream and Kirk dropped what he was doing to come running to us. At this point I had no idea what was hurt (Sam was clinging to me rather tightly) Kirk was able to examine the damage... a very deep (though thankfully small) cut right in the middle of his forehead. (as weel as a nice slash across his knee) Sam was a super trooper and didn't cry long. He was so good as we cleaned his cuts. I took him to acute care just to see if it needed a stitch or too. He was sooo brave there and actually answered the doctor 's questions. Thankfully it was able to be 'super glued' and not stitched (and it actually held!!) At one point he looked at me with those BIG sad eyes and told me he was scared and grabbed my hand (and held on with all his might) What a tough guy, No tears PLUS he got a popsicle!! (and M&M's and straight up apple juice and.... and.... and....yeah, you got it, pretty much whatever he wanted)

Free Chocolate Malt Swirl Shake TODAY

Don't forget to get your FREE Chocolate Malt Swirl Shake from ARBYS today. click here for info post

Monday, May 18, 2009

ready, set, almost

Molly is getting better at standing by herself, though really has no big interest in trying to walk. don't get me wrong, she is EVERYWHERE and cruises around EVERYTHING, pushes EVERY toy that has wheels (even those that don't) but she doesn't feel the need to let go. She took 1 step the other night and I guess she took 3 steps from the coffee table to the couch last night (I wasn't here so Kirk could just be saying that to make me feel guilty ha ha!)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy #6

Thanks for the best 6 years of my life honey! I love you

Saturday, May 16, 2009

what we've been up to

And here you have it.... We are OFFICIALLY almost potty trained :)
Sam is about 99% during the day. (though I haven't allowed him to wear his "big boy underwear" when we are out and about yet-- well, we did try that ONCE umm, unsuccessfully during the first week) I think we would be ok now, but I LOVE the safety net of the pull up. He is probably about 50/50 at night... I am sure that that is partly my fault though for not restricting fluids prior to bed time. There is a HUGE reason for this. SAM IS DRINKING MILK! yes, you heard me correctly... I am so excited about it that I will say it again SAM IS DRINKING MILK!!! I do NOT know how or why, but all of the sudden he finally drank some the other day. It had so much chocolate syrup in it it was black, but whatever it takes right? The deal is that he is allowed to have some apple juice if he drinks all of his milk (which, by the way, "tastes wike issss keem" --we will do ANYTHING to get the kid to drink milk, 'it tastes like ice cream' never stuck, until this week!! ) ok, back on topic, since he is drinking his milk (more gets added to the cup each time) he is also drinking apple juice. (thus, a lot of liquid prior to bed) I figure, milk more important than dry pants this week!!
Here is the 1%... Sam came out of the bathroom carrying a new pair of undies, when asked where his old pair was he suddenly didn't know (we get this answer a lot) I found them. (damp, not wet) but we are getting there and that makes me HAPPY (though I am getting tired of visiting the potty at all the local establishments)

Kids have cute summer hair:

yeah, Molly had been SCREAMING just prior to my snapping the picture thus the puffy face and red eyes

Molly has mastered the art of stair climbing (much to my dismay) it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to keep her awayIt has been raining a LOT lately. Unfortunately the sand box and outdoor play has been limited. We have been able to draw some beautiful artwork ("woads"--aka roads)and we were able to rebuild this beautiful birdhouse about a gazillion times
Sam has been helping me with the laundry. guess he thought he would help me clean the items in the kitchen as well...

well, that about sums it up. Hope your week has been as good as ours!

Friday, May 15, 2009

a sweet deal

MMMM MMMM good! Mars candy is giving away free candy bars! It is called the Real chocolate relief act.

Terms on the site: Offer valid from 9:00:00 AM ET to 11:59:59 PM ET on the Friday only of each week beginning 5/8/09 and ending 9/25/09 ("Offer Period"). Offer fulfilled as a coupon ("Coupon") redeemable for consumer's choice of one (1) single-sized package of any M&M'S® Brand, MILKY WAY® Brand, SNICKERS® Brand, 3 MUSKETEERS® Brand, TWIX® Brand and DOVE® Brand product (together, "Participating Products"). Offer good while supplies last. In order to claim your Coupon, you must submit your complete and correct name, address and email address ("Registration Information") within five (5) minutes of receiving the on-screen message requesting your Registration Information. Failure to submit your Registration Information within five (5) minutes will result in your Coupon being forfeited. Limit: 250,000 Coupons per Friday during the Offer Period. Allow approximately 6 weeks for delivery of Coupon, which will be sent by US mail to the address provided as part of the Registration Information. Limit: one (1) Coupon per email address per Friday and four (4) Coupons per household during the Offer Period

It starts at 9am EST. The good news is that I was able to get in at 10:30 EST and was still one of the 250,000! Also, as I was getting the info just now there was nothing stating that it had met the allotted number yet so it won't hurt to try and get in there now!!
good luck.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More flower pictures

look what I found in my Blog posts--- UNPOSTED:

of course a hello hug upon seeing his best bud, Hanna Yes, I know, I know, there have been a lot of flower pictures lately, but it is springtime in Texas and soon the heat will have destroyed all the flowers so you have to get them while you can right?! Again, it is TEXAS and you have to have a bluebonnet picture EVERY spring right?!
The kids were lucky enough to go 2 times this year :) The second time was with Hanna and her new baby sister Aubree (though I don't have any pics of her, I promise, she was there)