Wednesday, May 20, 2009

watch out

My poor baby (ooops, I um mean BIG Boy) yet another trip to the pedi acute care center. We were outside last Saturday tinkering around in the yard. Kirk and I were in the front and Sam takes off to the side because he wanted to go in the back. Since he is not suppose to just take off like that I follow him, he is running full speed ahead looking backward at me. I yell for him to turn around and to look out for... only I wasn't able to finish my sentence because he did turn around and smacked right into the corner of the house. I ran to him, swooped him up as I hear that menacing inhale of breath and we run to the front to see Kirk. Meanwhile Sam just starts to scream and Kirk dropped what he was doing to come running to us. At this point I had no idea what was hurt (Sam was clinging to me rather tightly) Kirk was able to examine the damage... a very deep (though thankfully small) cut right in the middle of his forehead. (as weel as a nice slash across his knee) Sam was a super trooper and didn't cry long. He was so good as we cleaned his cuts. I took him to acute care just to see if it needed a stitch or too. He was sooo brave there and actually answered the doctor 's questions. Thankfully it was able to be 'super glued' and not stitched (and it actually held!!) At one point he looked at me with those BIG sad eyes and told me he was scared and grabbed my hand (and held on with all his might) What a tough guy, No tears PLUS he got a popsicle!! (and M&M's and straight up apple juice and.... and.... and....yeah, you got it, pretty much whatever he wanted)