Thursday, May 21, 2009


Just a few short days after the "watch-out" incident, we had another trauma. (oh, summer is here bringing with it bug bites, cuts, scrapes, and bruises) It was a nice day, we were playing nicely outside. Sam was playing in the nice sandbox, Molly was roaming all around our nice backyard. She ended up at the nice sandbox and was quietly playing by herself with the nice sand. Sam was nice enough to share that small handful of sand she had, one might say they were playing nicely together... yeah, well, I just WISH that was the end of the nice little story.

Sam moves over to the other side of sandbox, you know, the one where the swings and Molly are. Molly watches his every move, very excited that he might actually be coming over to play with her. She stands there, claps her hands and smiles, turns back to the sand to pick up another handful meanwhile Sam grabs the yellow swing in his little hands. I am sitting on the (big people) swing watching the whole event. I see the look of excitement in Molly's eyes and the look of not-so-nice in Sam's. I yell "NO" as I jump from the swing, but I was a fraction of a second too late. Sam had let go of (or rather thrown) the yellow swing right at Molly. She falls, he gets swooped up, spank on the bottom and sent to the couch (time out) Molly still in that "hold breath" mode (you know, the one that you dread to hear, the one that I just heard a few days before with Sam) I swoop her up and try to examine where the point of impact was (face/head/body/back of head etc) well, I saw it instantly. big red mark across her face. It then turned to a nice bruise, (on left side of face) matching (in grander scale) the one she already had on the lower right side of her face. "nice job", Sam. I now call her BRUISER