Thursday, December 06, 2007

Kirk, my Mr. Fix-it

Who knows how, who knows why... Samuel somehow managed to remove one of the rungs out of his crib. Remove, well break it off is more like it. (note where the 3rd rung should be)

Here is the temporary bed Samuel had for a couple of days... he looks thrilled huh?! I am glad Kirk fixed it right away ~ our silly little munchkin was putting his head through the hole while I was setting up his temporary bed. I would have snapped a picture of it but I was afraid he might actually get it stuck there so he was distracted instead ha ha.

Kirk has gotten a lot of practice using his Ultimate glue lately and being just down right handy. As I was putting up the CHRISTmas tree, it started to lean, I thought I could just adjust it, but as I moved it all of the sudden there was a crack and a snap and then a squeal (that was from me) I had completely broken the tree stand. No, this was not the first time the tree stand had been broken and repaired, but this time it was pretty much unrepairable. UGH! now what was I suppose to do? I was so looking forward to getting out the tree and the lights and all that goes with it. My wonderful, wonderful husband quietly gets up, puts on a pair of shoes and goes out to the garage. Upon further investigation on my part I find out that he left (in the middle of a football game mind you) in order to create a new Christmas tree stand for me!! YEAH! Thanks honey!!


Anonymous said...

That is great about the crib! My youngest did a similar thing. He would shake the crib until finally the spindles and ends would come apart at the pegs. We would put it back together, and he would do it again and again. It amazes me when people have calm boys and don't seem to fully comprehend that this is all normal. Boys! You'll be pleasantly surprised when you have a girl! EMily