Sunday, March 07, 2010

here today, gone tomorrow.

One thing I love about the south is the fact there really is not winter here. (well, until this year that is) Don't get me wrong, snow sure is beautiful (right after the fall) but then it gets ugly and grey (sometimes there is yellow too:) ) and sludgy. It seems to go on forever and the thought of spring just seems like a dream. I guess you could say that Michigan really turned me against winter. I never really thought about the fact that I might actually miss snow, well, I can't say that I "miss" it per say, but I do feel bad that my kids do not have the chance to go sledding and build snowmen and make snow angels. That is why I had go out and and do this
Then, true to southern style, we did not have to see the grey, dingy, sludgy yuck... the next morning this is what frosty looked like. (he lost his head first, much to the dismay of Sam--- it just rolled right off ha)