Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Birthday part 2

I think this was the first birthday that Sam really "caught on" what it was all about. He was looking forward to it for days. We had the count down going and that seemed to help. He woke up VERY early on Sat. When I got him up, the first thing he asked was "is today my birthday?" After I answered, he started singing the Happy Birthday song to himself. He ran downstairs and saw his cake on the table. He was excited to see it, but wanted to know where mickey was!! (you see, all my son talks about is trains. He LOVES trains, eats, breathes, and sleeps trains. He will stare at the train page in the toy catalog forever. I wanted to do something different for his birthday theme since I did trains last year, but nothing else seemed to fit. Now, fast forward to about 2 days before his birthday. Sam has discovered a new Mickey mouse puzzle that he likes. I ask him what kind of cake he wants for his birthday --- knowing full well that he was to say "trains" but, oh no, he simply states "mickey mouse" insert gasp here. um, Mickey mouse?! What about a train, I asked. Sam thought that that would be good, as long as mickey was on it.) ok, you let me explain the fork that you see there. Yes, it is propping up the engine. I am sort of embarrassed to admit this, but as you know, I took a cake decorating class. Unfortunately, by looking at my cake you would not really know this. You see, I did what I always do, something Susan (the instructor) always said not to do. I waited until the last minute to make the cake and thus ran out of time and patience. It started off fine, I cut up the pieces to make the engine, all went well, or so I thought. True to Susan's words, chocolate cakes have more crumbs... UGH, CRUMBS!!! I had a hard time icing this bugger. Once it was finally iced, I sat it on the board. As I was creating the other cars, I noticed the engine, it was falling, it was coming apart at the seams (literally). I holler (yes, we do that here in the south) for Kirk to help me figure out what to do. It is now around 12am and I have a ton of other stuff to do, and do not need to worry about a fallen engine. This was the solution... fork (believe it or not, it worked... did not look that professional, but it fixed my problem)--- until the next problem arose, the fork pushed the top of the engine up and started creating a whole other problem. But, add a little man, problem solved.So, now you are thinking, oh, great, all problems solved, life is good and we can all celebrate. Insert issue number (well, probably 50 by now) It is morning. cake is done on the table. Sam is so excited about it that he calls Molly over to show her the cool train cake (though still Mickey-less) Mommy made for him. Molly looks then goes away, but only for a moment. She returns and decides that she NEEDS the "smoke stack" and steals the mini oreos off. Well, I have to admit, I was not really thinking very clearly when I decided to place the cake at Molly level. So, this is an easy problem to solve... just move the cake right?! right! Oh, but before you move a cake, make sure you remember that there is a bend on the cardboard board that you used as the base and that one of the train cars is actually sitting on the bend. If you do not remember this it could possibly falland go splat on the floor.
great, now I have a huge mess to clean up, on top of the fact that the cake is on the floor and unfix-able. Or so I thought... just try to put it back together as best you can, then use a super cool feature on your computer called 'photo editing'and crop off the pathetic spot

you know what, now I know why cakes cost as much as they do when you purchase them!!!

Happy train cake Sam, maybe next time I will listen and do a simple Mickey Mouse cake!


Alison said...

That cake is amazing!!!!!!!!!! I love the pieces carrying gummy bears. Genius!!!! Well done Kel, all that hard work paid off.

Anonymous said...

It was very cute...only you would think to grab the camera before you fix the problem.haha
Good job!!