Tuesday, September 08, 2009

nature at it's best

Well, we really do live in the city, but we have had some fun and interesting bits of nature around here:
one day last month I was putting Molly down for her nap and head what sounded like birds (lots of birds) very close. I opened up the blind to see this: It is a turtle dove and her 2 babies. Apparently they had obviously been there for a while (as there was a lot of evidence on the window sills) though I had not known it. Ironically they chose the window that had the soothing noise machine at it-- I wonder if it was comforting to them?!This HUGE green friend came to visit my tomato plant
and the widow has made yet ANOTHER appearance. check out this intricate web. too bad the widow must go... how dare she choose my children's swing set/sandbox for her prey

yeah, well, remember I started this entry saying we live in the city right?! therefore we don't have a lot of exoticness here. BUT, I think we do have a LOT of BIRDS! Check out this little guy who was visiting my bedroom window sill. Sam enjoyed this one, can't say the same for the poor frightened bird (good thing there was a window barrier between them) Then there is our butterfly habitat. It is so fun to watch the butterflies flitting about and the caterpillars go into their cocoons. Remember this and this