Thursday, September 10, 2009

Strange and unusual sightings

There have been a lot of fun and crazy things around here:

We are trying to sell our old tv. I was taking pictures for the ad... do you think this will help sell it? (hmmm, gives me an idea, do you think they can go as a set?!) um, not sure why, but I discovered goldfish all along the top of Molly's play yard
for some odd reason I can never find Molly's best friend... could it be because she hides them in places like this? (oh yeah, she is placing a travel sized baby powder in the fridge as I took the picture)
there has been a LOT of this going on around here (unfortunately)
The little one has learned a new trick... diaper ditchingFig newton tower?! Stonehenge re-creation? artist deep in thought Sam thought Molly needed a toy (or 2 or 3) to play with- so he brought them ALL to her#1 he wanted to do it, #2 she allowed him to do it...
I will allow anything to keep the kids quiet while I am on an personal important phone callcan you touch your nose to your tongue? can you flip your lips like a duck?
Saw this as I was driving in town, I have nothing else to say


Anonymous said...

Cute blog update...especially that beautiful lady that can do the "lips" trick. Any relation?
I didn't get the truck picture? I must have missed something on that one.
Looks like you have such a relaxed and bring life these days. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Ooops...that was supposed to be "boring" life on that last blog.