Wednesday, September 23, 2009

balloons, tatoos, and trains

Wow, I can't believe it is already the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Time really does seem to fly by (trust me, there have been some REALLY long days in there, but also a lot of happy, fun days and events) The last week of August seemed to be one of those crazy busy weeks where we had BIG events everyday, all day long. We managed to head to the pond several times that week (it was quite HOT, but we needed to be OUT!) and of course the ducks and fish didn't seem to mind our visits either. Sam was (finally) accepted to, and started school (another post), Mommy's birthday came, Bible study started, baseball game, throw in a shift of work and finally the reason for this post, the fun evening at the Gaylord:

Kirk watched Molly, so that Sam and I could spend time together. It was suppose to be fun and of course a lot easier on me since I wouldn't have 2 to chase after. I wasn't really sure how it was going to really be as it did not start off the best. As we were unloading the car, Sam decided to take off and head out on his own... and RIGHT INTO THE STREET. talk about your heart stopping ~ a car had to STOP for him. (I know that God was watching out for Sam that day, he could have been hit so easily- what if the driver was changing his radio station, or talking on the phone or even TEXTING? just one little thing to distract him and he never would have seen Sam.) After this event, Sam was then made to hold my hand as we walked (and as you could imagine, he was none to happy and wanted everyone to know it)
Once inside, for some reason I thought I could trust him. (whatever was I thinking?!!) It doesn't take long before he bolts away. I decided not to follow, in order to see how long it would take for him to realize I was not there, get scared and want to stay by my side. Well, this (like most of my brilliant ideas) pretty much back-fired on me. You see, Sam did not care that I was not there, and it was ME that got scared. I headed around the corner, and down the enormous hallway to see this sight: There were many emotions and thoughts that occurred the moment I saw him: take deep breath, as he is safe and not kidnapped, try not to smile as he sure is cute, try to stress the importance of staying with mommy without being too angry, oh and of course...make sure to get a picture of this for the blog! Oh, and by the way, apparently we were playing a fun game of hide and seek (no one filled me in on that secret until I "found" him)

TRAINS!!!! this is Sam's new LOVE. There were several areas that had trains, all of which held his attention. He even got to blow a whistle at one spot!
He got to watch the balloon man create a cool dinosaur thing
He watched the monkey (he and Hanna even snuck in a few touches!!)Oh, and the COOL Superman tattoo. The only kind he will EVER have.
All in all, it might have started out a little rough, but that quickly changed and fun was had by all!