Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ole Beebee

Samuel is always wanting to hold "his baby" It is much easier for him to say baby than Molly so this is what he always calls her. Sam is frequently asking to hold Molly (ole beebee) and I have to discern when to allow him to do it. Several times he will ask while she is asleep and I will say something like well, she is sleeping right now, maybe you can hold her when she wakes up. Amazing enough shortly there after she wakes up. (has nothing to do with the fact that Sam is over her yelling "eeek up beebee" (wake up baby) and poking her saying "teekle teekle teekle" (tickle tickle tickle)Poor Molly, Samuel means well, but she is definitely going to be a tough little girl~ she has to, he is quite the rough and tumble little boy and she will need to toughen up in order to survive ha!

always has to have her hold his finger
kissing his sister
rubbing her soft hair
gently patting her tummy