Sunday, June 15, 2008

The hospital stay

At the hospital there was a lot of napping and cuddling done by mommy and Molly. (that epidural is good stuff ha ha!! it would make me drowsy every time I took an extra "hit") It was great to have quite so many friends and family visit while in the hospital. (yet another perk of me working at the same hospital I delivered at)

Daddy was able to get in some good cuddle time as well.

Molly is a GREAT eater! She really enjoys her bottle Yum Yum! Once the meal is over though it is right back to dreamland for this little princess. Samuel started to warm up a little more to her and would actually give her a couple of kisses (when prompted) I think it was more for the praise and attention that he got for doing it than his actual "love" for his new little sister ha! He also had a hard time bonding with me while I was in the hospital as well. I don't think he liked seeing his mommy in bed with the oxygen mask and IV tubing when he saw me just before delivery. He has refused to give me hugs, kisses or attention these days at the hospital. (makes me sad--- though I know he will get over it)
A rare time with her eyes wide open and alert...

After taking several pictures of the baby (with and without Sam) Samuel asked Kirk to take his picture right there!! It was pretty funny. he is so used to being the focus of the camera lens... I think he thinks this "sharing thing" is for the birds ha