Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Miss Molly has arrived

Announcing the arrival of:

The day started well, just a little anxious about the epidural (ouch) BUT gotta tell you, it was well worth it for pain control after the c-section!
Here she is, she made her entrance into this world at 10:52 am. She started crying right away (what a wonderful sound to hear when you can't see anything)
This big girl weighed in at a whopping 6 pounds 13 ounces! (no one guessed her to be this small... Sam was 8 pounds 11.5 ounces) 19 1/2 inches long
here is the proud papa--- and pretty happy mama as well
Mom and Molly in recovery room

Sam, well he wasn't quite sure what was going on. He got a new matchbox truck from ma and pa in the waiting room-- any time we mentioned the baby or his sister he would tell us (and show us) that he had a new truck. He was curious and looked at her, but then decided that he wanted nothing to do with her.
She was really into sucking her thumb. She started this in the OR right after delivery. It did not matter which one she had, but was very content when it was in her mouth!Check out that HAIR!!! this baby has HAIR! Guess she already knew that little bows were in her future!


Anonymous said...

Love the picture..and the music!! Great choice.
What a beautiful and perfect little angel!!
Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

She's a beauty! A very pretty baby.

Beyond Blessed TX said...

She is precious pie!!! Welcome to the world, Molly! I have an aunt named Molly that has a daughter named Elizabeth. :) Those big eyes are so alert! Can't wait to see her when she is bigger!

Sarah said...

She is beautiful Kelly! I love the name!