Monday, June 30, 2008

Bottle warming

Really, I was only gone for a second. I went into the kitchen (connected to the family room mind you) to warm up a bottle for Molly. Apparently Samuel decided to share his cowboy hats with her. He has had the black one for about a year and a half and LOVES it- especially when he rides on his rocking horse. We just got the brown one-- notice the tag is still attached. He saw the hat in the sack and took it upon himself to try it on. The brown hat was on his head when I went into the kitchen~ this is the sight I saw when I looked up from the kitchen sink. Now the question: do you get upset with the fact that your 2 year old is bugging a sleeping baby or do you thank him for being such a good sharer? Either way it did bring a smile to my face. If Molly only knew what was going on around her.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My boy

So, people ask me questions like: how has Samuel adjusted to the new baby? Does he feel left out or jealous? I will let you be the judge and ask you the question: do you think Sam is getting enough attention now that the baby is here?

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ole Beebee

Samuel is always wanting to hold "his baby" It is much easier for him to say baby than Molly so this is what he always calls her. Sam is frequently asking to hold Molly (ole beebee) and I have to discern when to allow him to do it. Several times he will ask while she is asleep and I will say something like well, she is sleeping right now, maybe you can hold her when she wakes up. Amazing enough shortly there after she wakes up. (has nothing to do with the fact that Sam is over her yelling "eeek up beebee" (wake up baby) and poking her saying "teekle teekle teekle" (tickle tickle tickle)Poor Molly, Samuel means well, but she is definitely going to be a tough little girl~ she has to, he is quite the rough and tumble little boy and she will need to toughen up in order to survive ha!

always has to have her hold his finger
kissing his sister
rubbing her soft hair
gently patting her tummy

Friday, June 27, 2008

Just 'a swingin'

I thought Molly might be tired of just laying around and would enjoy sitting up and looking around for a change. Also, who doesn't love a good relaxing swing? Well, Sam was quite interested in the swing as well. If you can't fit in the swing yourself, find your own fun with it right? (either that or he is teaching her how to be a pole dancer already!)

And as usual, Miss Molly takes it all in stride

Thursday, June 26, 2008


4 hours and 50 minutes. Yes, I said 4 hours and 50 minutes. My sweet daughter went almost 5 hours between feedings. This is what she looked like at midnight:

(bright eyed and trying to hold her own bottle.) much to my surprise she did not make a peep again until 4:50 am! This may not seem like a long time to you, but when she usually wakes up every 2 1/2-3 hours to eat, going almost 5 hours at one time is like sleeping forever (ok, not really--- but it was a nice change of pace) hopefully this is going to be a new trend at our house.

UPDATE: well, sorry to say, it was just a fluke. Sweet Molly had me up at Midnight, 2:30,5 and 7 last night... oh well, soon enough. I know all too well that this little person will grow out of these phases way too fast.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Molly's best friend

Miss Molly just hanging out and relaxing...

Ok, so she is addicted to her little green pacifier. If it is not in her mouth she fusses and roots around and cries until it is placed in her mouth. Occasionally she will find the fabulous thumb, but it tends to move around and won't stay still ha. She ALWAYS has her hands by her face as well, holding the pacifier in and yes, taking it out as well.
As I sit here, place the pacifier in her mouth yet again, I am reading my friend Alison's blog from June 17th. Is this what my future holds?! I knew another little boy addicted to these things as wellWhat do they put in these things? Samuel had to have his 24/7 for the first 3 months of his life and then BOOM... wanted nothing to do with it. well, until now that is. Apparently it is something that gives Molly attention, therefore Sam thinks it is fun to suck on as well. He also enjoys hiding them around the house (thankfully he keeps putting them in the same spots so that I can reclaim them for her shortly thereafter.) I haven't made much attention to his sucking the pacifier and thankfully it seems to be working, he seems to be losing interest in it.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

getting dressed with NO HELP

After his bath , Samuel ran into my bedroom and found a onsie t-shirt (meant to fit the baby) and apparently decided he needed to put it on. He had a very hard time getting it on (mind you it was a lot smaller before he stretched it out) I asked him several times if he needed help, but his independent streak kept saying "No how" (his lingo for no help) I couldn't resist the opportunity to take pictures so here they are. In case you can't tell, the shirt is inside out and upside down with the waist being the neck hole... a new style maybe it will catch on ~NOT!


A huge special thank you for all of you who have been there for our family during this time of adjustment. Thanks for the calls, cards, prayers, yummy, yummy meals, and all of the wonderful girly outfits you have given to miss Molly. We appreciate you all and are thankful to have you as friends and family!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Homeward bound

We are finally home after spending 4 days at the hospital. I did receive excellent care at the hospital, (couldn't have asked for better) but it sure is good to be home. (Though I do miss the adjustable bed--- makes getting into and out of sooo much easier and more comfortable!)

Yes, I know, the outfit looks mighty big on her, but this is the going home outfit I had for her, It may have been too big, but she still looks cute in it!!! oh well!

Sam has loved the fact that Molly grasped his little finger in her hand. Now, every time he sees her he will shove his finger at her hand in hopes that she will clasp down again. He will do it whether she is awake or asleep. This day I had to tell him not to touch her because she was"night-night" on the couch. The next thing I notice, Sam is picking up the quilt beside her and placing it on top of her and gathering all of his sleep friends (the ones he MUST have in order to go to bed). he then places all of his friends around her and says "nigh-nigh bee-bee" (night-night baby) What a sweet little guy, to "tuck her in" and share his bedtime buddies with her. I sure hope he stays this sweet and tenderhearted though out his life!
Molly holding daddy's finger
Peaceful baby
Sam's foot compared to Molly's

Happy Father's Day

To one great dad! Kirk, you are a great dad to Sam and I know you will be just as super for Molly. It is hard to believe you are the father of 2! Are you ready to juggle 2? Do you have enough hands? (of course not... that is why God gave you FEET!
Sam thinks the sun rises and sets in you and rightfully so! I hope and pray that he and Molly will have your character, strength, morals and strong Christian beliefs. We all love you, thanks for being a "servant-leader"

To my dad: Thanks so much for all of the things you have done for me as a child, teen, young adult and adult. Thanks for all of the advice, support and guidance. I appreciate you and all that you have done to help me become the person I am today!

The hospital stay

At the hospital there was a lot of napping and cuddling done by mommy and Molly. (that epidural is good stuff ha ha!! it would make me drowsy every time I took an extra "hit") It was great to have quite so many friends and family visit while in the hospital. (yet another perk of me working at the same hospital I delivered at)

Daddy was able to get in some good cuddle time as well.

Molly is a GREAT eater! She really enjoys her bottle Yum Yum! Once the meal is over though it is right back to dreamland for this little princess. Samuel started to warm up a little more to her and would actually give her a couple of kisses (when prompted) I think it was more for the praise and attention that he got for doing it than his actual "love" for his new little sister ha! He also had a hard time bonding with me while I was in the hospital as well. I don't think he liked seeing his mommy in bed with the oxygen mask and IV tubing when he saw me just before delivery. He has refused to give me hugs, kisses or attention these days at the hospital. (makes me sad--- though I know he will get over it)
A rare time with her eyes wide open and alert...

After taking several pictures of the baby (with and without Sam) Samuel asked Kirk to take his picture right there!! It was pretty funny. he is so used to being the focus of the camera lens... I think he thinks this "sharing thing" is for the birds ha

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Molly's birthday...
Molly and Ma
Mommy and Molly
Daddy, Molly and Sam

Grandpop and Molly
Pa and Molly

Nonna and Molly
Sam (he liked it when Molly held his finger) Kissing Molly's hand as she holds his fingerNo longer in her "birthday suit"... All dressed up, but no where to go!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Miss Molly has arrived

Announcing the arrival of:

The day started well, just a little anxious about the epidural (ouch) BUT gotta tell you, it was well worth it for pain control after the c-section!
Here she is, she made her entrance into this world at 10:52 am. She started crying right away (what a wonderful sound to hear when you can't see anything)
This big girl weighed in at a whopping 6 pounds 13 ounces! (no one guessed her to be this small... Sam was 8 pounds 11.5 ounces) 19 1/2 inches long
here is the proud papa--- and pretty happy mama as well
Mom and Molly in recovery room

Sam, well he wasn't quite sure what was going on. He got a new matchbox truck from ma and pa in the waiting room-- any time we mentioned the baby or his sister he would tell us (and show us) that he had a new truck. He was curious and looked at her, but then decided that he wanted nothing to do with her.
She was really into sucking her thumb. She started this in the OR right after delivery. It did not matter which one she had, but was very content when it was in her mouth!Check out that HAIR!!! this baby has HAIR! Guess she already knew that little bows were in her future!