Tuesday, August 21, 2007

poor opie!

I had a few errands that I needed to get done today. First stop, state car inspection, next it is off to get an oil change and then to kroger for a few items. Samuel was done running errands prior to our arrival to kroger but we still went. I was all prepared with a handful of coupons and the weekly ad, (who was i kidding... sam is not that patient ha) Sam is not really happy to be there and wants all of the other shoppers to know this. He does have a diaper rash right now, so I did have to give him a little break for his behavior. So, I gathered a few of the items that I wanted and was rushed to check out trying to push my cart that only drives sideways and with sam hanging around my neck. I am sure I was quite a site. I did get a couple of "those looks" you know the ones ~ the "can't you make that kid stop whining" and a couple from older ladies that said "been there, done that and so glad it is you not me!" So now I am checking out. I look at the bagger and asked "can I please have paper?" (I always feel so guilty for asking this... why is it such a big deal? it is better for me so that the little plastic bags don't go sliding around in the back and allow all of the contents to spill) I should have known what I was in for when I saw the perplexed look that Opie (yes, his name tag said Opie) gave me (like he had never heard this request before) unfortunately I was too busy trying to hand over the kroger card and a couple of coupons and watch to see if my items are ringing up correctly while entertaining my child who has now decided he wants to do the whirley-gig NOW! to notice what is going on with Opie. I did hear him ask at one point if i would need help taking out my groceries I politely say no thinking he is only asking me this because sam is flipping himself all over me. but eventually I look over and see that he has now filled 2 carts full (mind you I didn't even fill 1/2 of the basket prior to paying) so now I had to have help to my car. In the car it all goes (poor Opie doesn't quite understand that you shouldn't put a 12 pack of dr pepper on top of the bag of chips, but that is ok.) we got it all in and off we go.

Where to now you might ask?! why McDonalds of course ~~gotta reward sam for being sooo good ha. As I pull in the drive I see that the drive thru line is practically wrapped around the building. Hmmm why is it so busy? well, it is 12:15 of course. apparently no one else needs to get home quickly to put their 17 mo old down for a nap! then someone DARES to cut in front of me in line... I don't think so! (I won) so, we finally order sam a cheeseburger (used to be one of the only things i could get him to eat, he only took 3-4 bites today UGH) once we get home I start unloading the car. It is at this point that I realize what has occurred. Opie did not fill one bag full, in fact he did not fill one even 1/2 full. check out some of the bags... you can see the bottom of the bag in all of the bags that i brought home but one and that is because it had 2 bags of chips in it...

yes, this really is a lone jar of peanut butter in the bag by itself! (hey, when is peter pan coming back? I miss it!)

Once I started unloading I looked at what all I was able to get in my rushed shopping trip. apparently the saying "don't go to the grocery store hungry or thirsty" is true. I was thirsty:

and I guess hungry for salt: oops--- forgot I had gotten this pack of spiderman pop at wallyworld-- got it for kirk, not sure what it tastes like, but who cares... it has spiderman on the can right?!


Anonymous said...

I have a comment for everything... this is so funny. Don't ya just hate getting slightly full bags (although yours were to the extreme)! My husband used to work as a bagger @ a grocery store and he says that it's because ladies always complain that they are too heavy. However, if you can't lift more that a bag with peanut butter, then maybe you shouldn't be shopping! That's one of those things that makes ya say "huh...".

Matt said...

Pop? I thought ya'll called it soda in the south...

believe it or not...it's just me said...

actually they call it "coke" down here... but don't forget, I am originally a yankee! hee