Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mommy's little helper

Samuel is fascinated by the sweeper . He absolutely loves it when i sweep the house. He has to follow me all around as well as jump in front so that I have to stop or run all through the area that i just swept. (this is of course frustrating at times as I like the see the lines from the sweeper without foot prints... ESPECIALLY if there is company coming) Periodically he likes to go into the laundry room and play with the sweeper, unfortunately for him it is too heavy so, he will dig and grunt and groan until he manages to get the swiffer wet jet out. He then decides he needs to clean the floor. This is what I found him doing the day after Bunko. I was in the den and dining room sweeping up all the little dots and had to come out to find Samuel (he is obviously up to something when he is not under foot) This is what I found. Guess he thought he would help mommy out (he saw me doing this just the night before) He usually has either a big smile on his face or a look of determination, but loves to "work around the house! What a little helper!


Alison said...

Do you rent him out? I'll give you $5/hr for his services.