Friday, February 04, 2011

Are you sure he didn't see his shadow?!

BRRRRRR wow has it been COLD outside!!! Just 2 days ago was groundhogs day... here was the result, and his prediction: (EARLY SPRING). THIS is what we woke up to this morning:so what do you do when you have 3-4 inches of snow on top of 2 inches of ice?! you go out and play in it of course!!! please prepare: picture overload!!! I mean really, it rarely snows here (well, except for this year and last year) so you gotta snap as many pictures as you can before it melts away right?!

snow, glorious snow!!!

preparing to attack mommyLet's try our hand at the roller coaster shall we?!
Oops, forgot to mention it was FULL of ice from the ice storm a few days ago... This is what we call a WIPE OUT!!! and full of smilesThe slide tends to be "slid-y-er"
I think they are teaming up to throw snow on me here!!
And when it is all over... remember to THAW out BEFORE you bathe!!! (other wise those frozen hands and feet will feel like they are on FIRE!!!

Here is ONE of MANY snipits of our fun in the snow on video

I think it is pretty funny how "thick" my thin little children look--- I did dress them in sumo wrestler attire, but that is only because we do not have the appropriate clothing for snow down here. Poor kids were cold, but did not want to come inside. I finally had to make them, as poor molly's shoe would not stay on her triple layered foot and i was concerned about frozen toes!!!