Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All of these things are related

What do all of these things have in common?
interruptions every 10 minutes
and lots of praise?
a slit
constant gnawing
moaning,whining and complaining

A Colorful Cartoon of a Businessman Excited Over a New Idea - Royalty Free Clipart Picture

Yup, we are potty training again... only this time it is going so much better---- it is actually working this time--- we are getting there, we are getting there, we are getting there (my new mantra)
cars-- pull ups (yes, left over from Sam, but she thinks they are cool ---thankfully)
princess--pull ups
spiderman--see cars above
lysol, oh yes, lots and lots of lysol
M&M's-- these are preferred over smarties that is for sure
interruptions every 10 minutes--- seems that bladder goes into overtime when mommy is busy doing something--- or is it the candy treat? hmmm
and lots of praise?--- I will give it, cause I am ready for this to be DONE DONE DONE!
a slit-- I cut a slit in the coveted green friend in order to break this addiction
constant gnawing--- fingers, toys, elmo's eyes... everything in the mouth (we are cutting 3 molars)
moaning,whining and complaining--- I want to say it is because of all the changes occurring--- can't necessarily say that :)

funny moment---
Let me preface it by saying that Sam has been quite the encourager--- well, only because he is also the recipient of the candy (M&M's). I knew it was only a matter or time, but did not expect it so soon. About a week or so ago Molly announced that she was going to go to the potty, I of course jump up and run in after her (note: always, run after Molly on way to potty) I got there a few seconds after her only to see her bare bum standing in front of the potty. Thankfully I was able to redirect her to the sitting position, but she did not quite understand why this was necessary... Oh the joys of having an older brother.

funny moment #2--
Molly is not too fond of the slit. She sucks and sucks still, but you can see that it is not what she is expecting. The one morning when I got her up, she showed me the pacifier and said, :uh oh mommy, I break it" I just went with it. I think she was expecting me to "fix it"

funny moment #3--
So, I slit 1 pacifier. A day or so later we were 'unable' to locate that one. I found an un-slit one in the bed?! hmmm, how did that happen? So, I take that one and slit it. Again a few days later, there was an unslit one in the bed and the slit one was no where to be found. I thought I had gathered up all of the green friends that we had (there were quite a few, to say the least) prior to this weaning process. I have no earthly idea as to where Molly's stash is, but she obviously has one. I have looked, I have tried, but I can not find the 2 slit ones, but a total of FOUR unslit ones have since made their appearance. Just goes to show, if I did not know it before, she truly does have an addiction!