Monday, October 11, 2010

TuTu for you

I teach the kindergarten mission friends (M&M) class on Wed nights at church. Sam is still in the 3-4 year old class. After the classes learn their lesson and do their project etc, we have been combining them for music time. THIS is how I found my sweet son when I brought my group over to his room to sing. Yes, that is a purple TUTU that he is wearing. He wore it the whole time. But you know what? he belted out his songs (and when I say belted, I mean more like screamed them. I am sure that the pastor heard him all the way in the other building!!!)
When asked why it was that he wore the purple tutu he said he thought he could get the attention of his girl friends better that way... way to go son, that for sure is the way to win a girls' heart--- put on a skirt and scream your songs :)