Saturday, October 09, 2010

OU/TX weekend

It is that time again... time to celebrate the big game of the year... When OU and TX play at the fairgrounds. We did not get to go to the game, but Sam was very excited about it this year and couldn't wait to watch it on tv. I of course had to get the kids all dressed up (even though we had no where to go) and ATTEMPT to get a cute picture of the kids. Here is how it went...

Finally get a good smile from one, but look at the other
I am done being the good one this timeMolly couldn't run away fast enough--- check out the hair flying in the wind"I will sit here, I will pose, but I will NOT smile"
"yes mommy, I will hold this cheesy grin as long as I can, while we wait for Molly to turn happy"Do you remember that song we always sang at church? "if you are happy and you know it..."
Sam and Molly were chasing one another... Molly caught Sam and was wrestling him down
He then flipped her, sat on top of her, and then decided to to take a sip of his water (in the special tea cup)ok kids, since you are on the floor, let's just lay together and say cheese
not sure what was happening here, but I do know that Molly was trying to run away and Sam was trying to keep her theresweet? innocent? angelic? yeah, yeah, whatever "stop smiling Sam, you are making me look bad"and FINALLY...or sometimes it helps to just splice 2 individual pictures together and wala...