Friday, October 08, 2010

hotdog roast

WOW--- this summer seemed to fly by, and my "blogging" sure did take a hit didn't it. I am still not sure what the right way to do this is... do I start with the stuff where I left off, or do I start with the most recent events? I have always heard with scrapbooking that you should start with the most recent and start backward. Since this blog is sort of an on line scrapbook for our friends and family I shall do that. (I know, stop talking and get on with it right?!)

The first day it cooled down from 100 degree weather, Sam was all set and ready to have a hot dog roast with Ma and Pa. It was a really nice evening, perfect for hot dogs and marshmallows (as well as a few other yummy treats)

sometimes it is better to "lick" the marshmallows than actually eat them, I guess