Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First day of Speech

We missed the first week of speech as we were on vacation, then we had labor day, so we did not have class that day. Sam's first official day of speech this year it rained , poured, flash flooded. (I think we broke some records too) I wanted to take a picture of him for his first day... so here it it, in the car, before we made a mad dash to the entrance.Molly was happy for him that morninguntil she realized we were leaving him there and going away. (she has had a very hard time each time we leave him, she misses him, this is just 2 days a week, 1 1/2 hours each time... what is it going to be like when he goes to kindergarten next year?!) This is me, after running Sam to the door of his school. What you can't see is the dripping water from my clothes...all in all it was a good day. Sam was a little apprehensive when we first arrived, but once he saw Ms Melanie's face he was beaming and RAN straight into the building! (I was never more happy as to have him see a familiar face)