Tuesday, April 14, 2009

tiptoe through the tulips...

It was a picture perfect day. The the flowers were gorgeous, the wind was not as strong, the camera batteries charged and our friends were dressed as cute as could be. This could only mean 1 thing.... tulip pictures at the Arboretum. Beware... picture heavy blog ahead:
Sam, Molly and I along with Alison and Josh and Faye, Hanna and Aubree headed to get "the perfect photo" well, they aren't perfect by any means, but here are just a few (out of over 200 taken-have I mentioned before that I LOVE digital cameras?) that actually looked ok:

Though it is a cute song, I am sure that the gardeners do not appreciate a cute little wild boy "tip toe (tromp) through the tulips" honestly... does his mother have NO control?!umm, aren't the flowers suppose to stay ON the stems?
Sam and Josh. I like this one because it looked like they are really having a grand time and deep conversation, when in all reality they didn't even notice that the other was there that day.
Sam, Josh and HannaSam and Hanna sweet embraceSam and Hanna enjoying the sites together (or was it that this was a good way to keep everyone together?) maybe a little of both....