Sunday, April 12, 2009


What a wonderful weekend! It was definitely fun-filled and action-packed. I think it is funny how much my activities have completely changed over the course of just 3 years. They used to consist of a nice, QUIET night out, time with friends, traveling etc, now: well continue to read. (oh, and by the way, I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING! I LOVE being able to watch a 3 year old sit on a pony for the first time and a 10 month old squeal with delight when someone she knows well comes into the room and says hi!)

It started off like any typical Sunday morning, hurrying and scurrying around to make sure the kids are clean and crumb free with freshly combed hair. This morning was a little different though, I told Sam that it was Easter and he kept asking where his Easter eggs were (yes, he learned very quickly that Easter eggs hold CANDY) I told him that he would get his eggs and Easter basket AFTER church and lunch. I then proceeded to remind him that Easter was about Jesus rising from the dead after 3 days just as He said He would. That He died for our sins because He loves us. Sam just looked at me and said "oh, OK" and went on his merry little way. I know that at this age Sam has no idea what death even is, let alone that Jesus sacrificed Himself so that we may have Eternal life, but we want to make sure that he does know that Easter is more than just candy filled eggs.
We managed to avoid the rain and stay dry (unfortunately--- we really need the rain!!) and were able to hear another great message at church and Sunday school. After church we headed to lunch at a local chinese restaurant (cause doesn't everything think of chinese for an Easter meal?) and then home where the kids were able to open their Easter baskets:
off to a quick nap and then over to our friends' house for dinner and chat time (while the kids played) It was yet another late night for the kids, but amazing enough, Sam was able to continue singing and talking until after 10:30. (where oh where does he get all his energy?)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures and as always fantastic commentary!!!!
Love you all.