Friday, April 10, 2009

These boots are made for walkin'

I think I am seeing what our future holds with Sam and Molly. There might be a wee bit of competition and attention seeking going on between them. Sam (as any 3 year old would be) has had a hard time when we are feeding/ changing/ talking to etc the 'baby'. It is very difficult (though hard for you to believe since you see so many) to get pictures of just Molly as Sam needs to be in it or see it as I am taking it(meaning helping me hold the camera).
Molly also seems to be in the middle of the action whenever Sam is concerned. If we are playing cars, she needs to chew on them, if we are playing trains she has to sit in the middle of the track etc.
Here is another PERFECT example... I am lighting the candles on Sam's cake, we are starting to sing 'Happy Birthday' and what do I see out of the corner of my eye?! Molly grabbed Sam's "car" (the thing that converts to a walker and a sit down car deal) and takes off walking with it. Slowly and discoordinated, but she made it quite a way for her first time!! (couldn't have picked a better time to make that accomplishment, sister!!!)