Wednesday, April 29, 2009


80% off code.
Get 80% Off with every order of $25 Gift Certificates. Use code LUCKY and pay ONLY $2 for each $25 Gift Certificate thru 4/30.

**If your unfamiliar with how works: had partnered with tons of Restaurants to offer deep discounts when you dine out. Basically you search through the participating restaurants by typing in your zip, choose one you like and purchase a certificate to get a HUGE discount on your meals. Before the certificate can be used, you do have to purchase a minimum amount at the restaurant. This amount varies depending upon the certificate amount you purchase. For example: if the restaurant says you have to have a minimum purchase of $50 dollars, then that means you will have to at least spend $50 before you can use the $25 gift certificate. So you would end up getting $75 worth of food for only $50 after the gift certificates used.***

I have never used these or tried them. Have heard about it several different places--- even the news a few weeks ago. I have seen several restaurants that are in my area on here so I think I might give it a try and at these rates why not right?!

~let me know if you have done this before or if you do it now and what you think about it~

this sounds so cool! dry erase board paint. Go here to see it. if you want a free sample go here. What a neat idea for a kids playroom huh?!

Coupon for a FREE CroisSonic breakfast sandwich from Sonic with any large drink purchase! Just go here and enter your email address to get this coupon
I did this this morning and got it in my inbox pretty quickly. Looks good to me, guess I will get a chance to try it out now for FREE!

Boston Market has a new coupon available; get a FREE $5 Value Meal when you purchase one. This coupon is valid thru 4/30/09.

Don't forget about this coupon that I previously posted also valid thru 4/30; buy one crispy crunchy chicken item (sandwich, salad or meal) and get one FREE!

Einstein Bros Bagels is offering up a great coupon. Save $2 on ANY Lighter Fare Lunch item.
**This coupon is valid thru 4/30/09!

Are you all sick of the Arby's Roastburger deals?!?

If not, here is yet another one. Just text Roasted to 74700 to snag a FREE Roastburger with any drink purchase. You'll just need to show the reply message when you order!

cici's pizza has a neat promotion going on right now. They are dropping pennies near their store. if you find one pick it up a see what you have won... they are also donating returned pennies to big brothers/big sisters. click on the link to see if your cici's is participating.

Free TCBY ice cream on Mother's day. select stores... check site to see if yours is offering this

Free Carvel Iceburg TOMORROW April 30th from 3-7pm

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Farm day

My parents have some friends that own a ranch north of here. Since my dad is a farm boy at heart he has really enjoyed being able to help out up there by tending the cows, doing maintenance on things and now growing a huge garden etc. One of the spring calves was abandoned by his mother so he is by the house and fed by bottle etc. Sam was able to go to the farm one day last week and help Pa do all the farm duties:

1. meet baby cow
2.) help feed baby cow a bottle 3)talk to and hug baby cow while Pa finished feeding the bottle4) hop on gator5) sit there/hold on while riding around on the land6) allow Ma and Molly along for the ride6)put feed out for the deer (got to make sure it is smooth :) )7) meet Dottie's horse
8) hug and kiss Dottie's horse9)watch BIG bull come charging and snorting at Ma and a napping Molly on the gator as we continue to visit the nice horse (yes, I realize this picture is well, BAD, but it is the only one that I have of this HUGE angry animal charging)10) watch big angry bull calm down as we drive off out of his 'turf" 11) head out to take a QUICK look at the lake. (Sam didn't care for the moving dock very well)Top it all off with a cheeseburger at the local truck stop and you have yourself a WONDERFUL day on the farm with PA.

Thanks for a great day PA

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy TAX DAY :(

Well, it is the dreaded TAX day. April 15 UGH. Hope you have all filed and are anticipating a refund (we can all hope can't we?) The ironic thing about it being Tax day is that it is the first night of our Dave Ramsey Financial Peace study at church. I know that Kirk and I are looking forward to it, as well as many families in the church.
Anyway, on to the post. In hopes to make today a little brighter I have found a few freebies and or good deals:

Free cinnabon bites. 5-8pm while supplies last

Maggie Moos one free single-scoop of ice cream in honor of Tax Day. MaggieMoo's will create its own "e-cone-omic" ice cream stimulus package for customers

P.F. Chang’s China Bistro Discount - Stop in for a meal and get 15% off your bill.

Chick-fil-a Rebate - I can’t find an official press release from them, but a few different news outlets are reporting on this so I feel it’s fairly legit. Go to your local Chick-fil-a on Wednesday, make a purchase, and save the receipt. Then take the receipt back any day between April 16-30 and get a free meal of whatever you purchased!

T.G.I. Friday’s Gift Card - Spend $15-$25 on April 15th and receive a $5 gift card. Spend over $25 and receive a $10 gift card.

Papa John’s Tax Day Pizza Special-Get a large cheese pizza and add up to three free toppings for only $10.40 when you order online.
Use the promo code 1040M (code expires 4/15/09)

McDonalds is giving away free chicken biscuit w/ med drink purchase (in AM) or free chicken sandwich w/ med drink purchase (in PM).. yet again, can't find the press release, so might want to ask prior to doing this one

Hope this helps ease the pain of taxes just a little bit

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

babys r us coupon

here is a coupon for $5 off $25 purchase. It does NOT state diaper and formula exclusions (like they usually do) and can be used in store or on line. The coupon is valid until 5/2 so plenty of time. Did you know that you can use other coupons along with Babies r us coupons and get things at an even better price?
for example:
buy 2 packages pampers at $12.99 each (total $25.98)
use $5 off $25 coupon
use 2 $1.50 coupons
final cost: $17.98 plus tax

There are many more scenarios like this, just be sure to give your $5 off $25 coupon FIRST before the other coupons or else your total will NOT be $25 and you will not be able to use it.

**** UPDATE**** ok, ok so, it seems they have now stated in the coupon NOT for sale on diapers/formula... did anyone get lucky enough to print it out before it changed?

tiptoe through the tulips...

It was a picture perfect day. The the flowers were gorgeous, the wind was not as strong, the camera batteries charged and our friends were dressed as cute as could be. This could only mean 1 thing.... tulip pictures at the Arboretum. Beware... picture heavy blog ahead:
Sam, Molly and I along with Alison and Josh and Faye, Hanna and Aubree headed to get "the perfect photo" well, they aren't perfect by any means, but here are just a few (out of over 200 taken-have I mentioned before that I LOVE digital cameras?) that actually looked ok:

Though it is a cute song, I am sure that the gardeners do not appreciate a cute little wild boy "tip toe (tromp) through the tulips" honestly... does his mother have NO control?!umm, aren't the flowers suppose to stay ON the stems?
Sam and Josh. I like this one because it looked like they are really having a grand time and deep conversation, when in all reality they didn't even notice that the other was there that day.
Sam, Josh and HannaSam and Hanna sweet embraceSam and Hanna enjoying the sites together (or was it that this was a good way to keep everyone together?) maybe a little of both....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Free stuff

click here for buy 1 crispy country chicken item get 1 free from Boston Market
coupon expires 4/30/09

coupon for $5 off purchase $25 or more at Sally Beauty supply.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


What a wonderful weekend! It was definitely fun-filled and action-packed. I think it is funny how much my activities have completely changed over the course of just 3 years. They used to consist of a nice, QUIET night out, time with friends, traveling etc, now: well continue to read. (oh, and by the way, I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING! I LOVE being able to watch a 3 year old sit on a pony for the first time and a 10 month old squeal with delight when someone she knows well comes into the room and says hi!)

It started off like any typical Sunday morning, hurrying and scurrying around to make sure the kids are clean and crumb free with freshly combed hair. This morning was a little different though, I told Sam that it was Easter and he kept asking where his Easter eggs were (yes, he learned very quickly that Easter eggs hold CANDY) I told him that he would get his eggs and Easter basket AFTER church and lunch. I then proceeded to remind him that Easter was about Jesus rising from the dead after 3 days just as He said He would. That He died for our sins because He loves us. Sam just looked at me and said "oh, OK" and went on his merry little way. I know that at this age Sam has no idea what death even is, let alone that Jesus sacrificed Himself so that we may have Eternal life, but we want to make sure that he does know that Easter is more than just candy filled eggs.
We managed to avoid the rain and stay dry (unfortunately--- we really need the rain!!) and were able to hear another great message at church and Sunday school. After church we headed to lunch at a local chinese restaurant (cause doesn't everything think of chinese for an Easter meal?) and then home where the kids were able to open their Easter baskets:
off to a quick nap and then over to our friends' house for dinner and chat time (while the kids played) It was yet another late night for the kids, but amazing enough, Sam was able to continue singing and talking until after 10:30. (where oh where does he get all his energy?)


Saturday was my morning to get up, but it was a fun morning of playing with the kiddos. (Kirk and I alternate sleeping in on Saturday mornings since neither one of us are "morning" people). I can't complain too much though, the kids were good and Kirk made us a yummy breakfast. After naps it was back to the horse park for our church Family Fun Festival. It was nice to be able to have Kirk watch Sam enjoy the petting zoo and pony ride. Yet again, the highlight of the farm experience was the bounce house. He could bounce for hours if we would let him, but since you saw those pictures from yesterday, I thought I'd show some of Sam playing with (harassing) the other animals.


Today we went to the horse park to celebrate Hanna's 3rd birthday. What a fun, fun, day! It was a great set up as we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves (all of Hanna's little friends) There were 4 ponies that the kids had to chose from to ride. (I think Sam tried out all 4) He had no fear, went right up to them, talked to them, hugged and kissed them as though he had been around them everyday.

Molly was there too, though I don't think she enjoyed the pony as well as Sam did. She did, however, enjoy being outside to watch all of the activity and the animals. Along with the pony, Sam also enjoyed chasing the cat, the dog and of course all of the goats. He had fun chasing a few other animals around the barn too, but I think that his FAVORITE part was the bounce house (of course) Thanks Hanna for such a great day! "pappy durday!!"

After naps and baths we all headed over to Ma and Pa's house for a wonderful homecooked Easter meal. Ham with all the fixins Yum Yum. It was really good... Molly loved the sides, Sam enjoyed the ham. (just because he says it every year I have to add this) Kirk wants to know why it is that ham is always the meat of choice for Easter? (for those of you who may not know, ham is not eaten by those of Jewish faith) Seems a little ironic doesn't it?
Thanks Ma for the DELICIOUS meal (and left overs :) )

Friday, April 10, 2009

My Wee

Ok, So I feel that I am playing catch up for the month! Here is a bit of Sam's birthday (only a month overdue)
We hear this a LOT... "my wee" or for those of you who do not speak Samuel talk "I'm Three" (for some reason "I'm" is "my")

Sam had a grand time opening his presents. Because we have friends and family that live so far away, Sam got presents in the mail for several days in a row. Now everytime he sees a wrapped gift he thinks it is for him and he will either start singing "bappy dirday" or just claim it "dat amules" (that's Samuels)

Here are just a couple of high light pictures. I will not load down the blog with the many, many that I took

These boots are made for walkin'

I think I am seeing what our future holds with Sam and Molly. There might be a wee bit of competition and attention seeking going on between them. Sam (as any 3 year old would be) has had a hard time when we are feeding/ changing/ talking to etc the 'baby'. It is very difficult (though hard for you to believe since you see so many) to get pictures of just Molly as Sam needs to be in it or see it as I am taking it(meaning helping me hold the camera).
Molly also seems to be in the middle of the action whenever Sam is concerned. If we are playing cars, she needs to chew on them, if we are playing trains she has to sit in the middle of the track etc.
Here is another PERFECT example... I am lighting the candles on Sam's cake, we are starting to sing 'Happy Birthday' and what do I see out of the corner of my eye?! Molly grabbed Sam's "car" (the thing that converts to a walker and a sit down car deal) and takes off walking with it. Slowly and discoordinated, but she made it quite a way for her first time!! (couldn't have picked a better time to make that accomplishment, sister!!!)

Thursday, April 09, 2009

A day with my Pa

One of Sam's birthday gifts this year was his new sandbox. It gets even better than that though, Sam was able to go with Pa, in the truck and get the sand for the box. No one else was allowed to go, but I was able to get the play by play story several times, each time Sam's face glowed with excitement. Apparently he watched the tractor dump the sand into the back of the truck, they brought the sand home and then he and Pa placed it in the box. Pa said that as he was shoveling the sand into his wheelbarrow Sam disappeared, only to come running back with his little wheelbarrow from the backyard. I guess he needed to get in on the action. I was able to pop out of the house quietly to snap a few pictures unnoticed (not for long though... Molly gave me away)

Prior to Molly realizing that I was missing, she managed to find the cereal bar that Samuel decided not to eat for breakfast. Now, when I say she found it, I don't mean that she found it and that was that, no siree bob. I mean to say that she found it on the coffee table, picked it up, mashed it in her cute little fingers, then into her hands. She managed to eat a little, place the gooey center part into her hair as well as her outfit and the carpet. It was at this point that she realized I was missing and started to cry. She must have spotted me out in the back and decided that she needed to crawl over to the door, (fingers and hands still full of the mashed up breakfast bar) allowing a nice trail of gooey mess all along the way. Unfortunately for you, I was more concerned with cleaning the baby, the carpet, the tile, the coffee table, the clothes etc to snap a picture. I don't need an actual picture to have this memory though, it is ingrained in my head