Friday, November 26, 2010

hit and run

How does a $15 haircut end up being $265? When your car gets hit in the parking lot and the idiot gentleman who hit me just takes off. GRRRRRR!!! I am now going to stand on the beloved soap box. It has taken me a while to write this blog post just because I had to think about the whole situation.
I was unbelievably calm when the whole event took place. Those of you who know me know that I am usually a little high strung about things like this. But I know that God had a hand in it and kept my little family safe and that is all I need to know. Am I frustrated? yes. Am I angry? yes. Am I safe? yes. Does my guardian angel typically work overtime? YES!!!
Here is the story....
Sam has been looking scruffy, I was trying the longer hair thing for a while to see if that would help that sweet huge little cowlick he has (It really didn't, just makes him look scruffy with a cowlick) SO, since he was going to be singing in church that night I decide it was time for a haircut. We went to a new place, a place just for kids. It looked really cool, but I was not about to pay the price they charge when all they were going to do was snip/snip and done. We leave the place, Molly runs on ahead, she bolts gingerly walks the parking lot to the side of the car where she gets in. I think nothing of this, we get in, and drive down the strip to another place. Sam gets his hair cut, we walk out, THIS time Molly is holding my hand, and Sam is right beside me. There is a man standing in front of my car looking into the parking lot and states "That man just hit your car!" Then he looks at me like... Go get him!! I then look at my kids, my car and the fact that the car that just hit me was now almost out of the parking lot and onto the road. yeah, no way I could "go get him"
The 'witness" was really nice, wanted to be a helpful as he could, but of course he did not get a license plate number (ugh) Apparently the man who hit my car was on his way INTO the parking spot, opened his door, (I have another ding to prove that) saw the damage, shut the door and bolted out of there. At this time we were coming out of the door, (unaware of what just happened) witness ran out of his store, and I realize that God protected us from what could have been a very bad situation. What if Molly had run to her door as she had just done 10 minutes earlier? What if the "hitter" had come into the spot as we were getting into the car seats. I just cringe to think of these "what-ifs" and just have to say Thank you to God for keeping us safe (yet again) Isn't God good?
Sam thought it was really cool that a police man came to talk to us, He and Molly kept telling people that someone "broke our car", Kirk and I were very thankful, yet frustrated, and relieved (our deductible is only $250 since it was a HIT and RUN!!!)
So still on that soap box, If you ever hit someone else's car, scratch their bumper or cause $2,000 damage as our idiot gentleman did. Please own up to your guilt!!! Don't leave the car all dinged and scratched, requiring the unsuspecting car owner to have the hassle of getting it inspected, wait on parts, wait on car rental and be out a lot of cash at Christmas time (or anytime for that matter) Though I am very thankful that we are safe, I am still a little miffed that we are stuck with the inconvenience, the bill and a rise in insurance rate grrrrr. And all this because I wanted to save a little less than 10 bucks on a haircut ha ha ha

These pictures do not quite do it justice, you cant see the dents, oh well. It does however remind me of a similar event almost 3 years ago...check out THIS post. I thought I had pictures of the previous one but as you see I don't :)