Monday, November 01, 2010

Happy Halloween

Whew, What a fun night!!! It is Halloween here. Our church has a trick or treat alternative night where they have all kinds of fun activities and CANDY for the kids. We have gone the past 4 years---- go here , here and here to see our previous times. It is fun to watch and see how much better Sam is at the games/activities each year. (he is not great yet, but he definitely enjoys it more and more) And of course Molly thinks she can keep up with the big kids.

There were GAMES:

bean bag toss-- Sam somehow got closer and closer to the target each time he tossed. Molly tried a different approach--- throw all at once. (she caught onto the fact that the sooner you finish a station the sooner you get candy very, very early on)
pumpkin bowling
have you noticed how Molly has the candy bag attached to her arm? She was very possessive of it--- and she managed to keep ahold of it the whole timethere was pumpkin seed spittingSam got a hole in one here
ball toss--- again, Sam kept getting closer and closer to the board. Molly, well, she just stuck the ball there--- why throw it and possibly miss? it would take longer to get the candy that way
THERE WAS CANDY:we saw several of our sweet friends there:
there were crafts:and of course, the inflatables:it was a fun night, the kids really seemed to enjoy it, and let's face it.... that is what it is all about isn't it?!--- just check out those sweet faces


Anonymous said...

What a fun night...they look like they had a ball. The header picture is really cute.
Love ya!