Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ressurection rolls

It is Easter, a very special time for us.  A time to remember that Jesus Christ was risen from the dead.  That He died on the cross for you and for me, that we might live eternity in heaven.Sam and Molly know the story of Christ's sacrifice, they know it well, yet  it is still a concept too complex for them  to understand at this age. I wanted to try to find other ways to teach them.  I knew about the Resurrection rolls for a few years, and thought that this was a great tool to let them have  hands on learning.

We had to prepare the ingredients...  mix the sugar and cinnamon 

The marshmallow represents Jesus.

Then Jesus is placed in his grave clothes (the crescent roll) and wrapped up tight.
After Jesus dies on the cross, his friends prepare him to be buried by anointing him with oil (dipping the marshmallow in butter)
and spices (rolling it in cinnamon and sugar).
At this point, you put the rolls on the baking sheet and place them in the tomb (oven) and seal the tomb with a big rock (the oven door).

In the oven the marshmallow melts and blends with the cinnamon sugar, making it appear like the marshmallow has disappeared. (ok-- so ours might shave leaked out instead of melting, but hey, it still disappeared right?!)
and we wait
anxiously wait
When you remove the rolls and allow them to cool, you can let your kids open them up to reveal that Jesus is gone! He is risen! Jesus is alive!
not only was it a good object lesson, it was yummy too!


Anonymous said...

Great lesson and I bet they enjoyed every part of it!