Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pinterest test--- fire starters

Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest.  oh what a time consuming  neat idea!!!!

I know most of you are on it.  It took me a while to start... why?  because I was scared.  Very scared.  I knew it would take up time that I did not have.  I put my feet in the water once, I  admit it, I was a lurker.  i was able to look all around and see what it was about without actually signing up.  Thinking that this was going to help me to not become addicted.  It worked for a little while, but my printer got quite a work out--  you see, i would copy all the cool recipes, ideas etc and then have them all around the house (literally)  THEN Pinterest did this horrible thing---  it went wonky on me and made me sign in, just to lurk!! (at least I couldn't figure out how to) so I did it, I broke down and created a board.  And create I did---  it has exploded with all kinds of ideas that I know I will never do or even plan to do, but makes me feel cool that at least I look as though I could be crafty ha ha.

So, I have actually tried a few of these fun finds on Pinterest.  Some have been great successes, some, well, not so much.  Since most of these are all over all of the boards I thought I would share my successes and failures...  stay tuned, i will try to do it once a week----  but juts know, I am me, and my plans do not always turn out as expected, but try I will!!!

Disclaimer...  Some of the items I have were from the days prior to my board when I just printed out the idea without the source, wish i had the source for some of them, feel bad that i can not give credit where credit is due---  but just know, none of these were from my brain---  i am not that creative.

That being said...... here is my FIRST test...

Fire starters (for lack of a better title)
take an empty toilet paper roll---  we have a LOT of these each week
take lint from the dryer--  again, I think this stuff multiplies over night
put lint into roll and wala---  a perfect little package to start your next fire.

Sounds like a great idea, it is easy (and cheap) enough---  I already have all of the supplies on hand.

We had a cook out dinner tonight.  I was all excited to show Kirk my ingenious invention --he just looked at me with that "really? what is this"  look.  All I  had to do was say "pinterest".  I know he secretly laughs at me, but at least he just smiles and moves on to my face.  I also think he is curious to see if they will turn out -- if nothing else it has gotten me into the kitchen a little more often ha ha
ok, back on track---
It really did not work out very well.  It lit on fire but really did not do the job that I thought it would/should.  Now, there could be a few factors that caused this idea to fail so i will not base it on tonights trial only, we will try it again...
--was it too stuffed full of lint?--- i told you it multiplies overnight so these babies were STUFFED.  Kirk pulled some of the stuffing out and it looked like it might work better
--it was REALLY REALLY REALLY windy.  Did I mention that the wind was blowing? The fire kept being blown out, had it been a less windy night I really feel that this would have taken off.

I have a few more of these left, not sure what I will use them for, camping trip? maybe, we shall see...