Sunday, June 02, 2013

pinterest test-- vicks vapor disks

Again, I do not have the source for this Pinterest idea...  Sorry!
Apparently there are vicks discs out there that you can buy to throw in your shower and then help you with colds, congestion etc. They are suppose to dissolve and have the aroma of vicks to help open you up.  From what I understand they are pretty pricey too. I have not seen them anywhere, but then again I have not looked either.  BUT, it sure sounded good to me.  Molly gets croup and Sam's colds always head to his lungs so i thought, Hey, what a great idea!!  We love vicks at our house so this might be a good thing to have in a hot steamy shower when the kids are sick.  I had most of the ingredients-- all I needed was the essential oils (EO) (which I was getting for some other things as well so perfect!!!)

First things first... you need you pouty little assistant to be up high to help
Then you apparently need to turn your head to the side to watch your now happy little assistant helping to stir  (why is blogger turning all of my pictures?!?!)
and stir
and stir (there was a LOT of stirring going on)
Place your moist mixture into the mold (the person I got this friom had really cute molds---  I have a train cupcake mold, oh well, it worked!!)

(I also have egg shaped jello molds---  these were a lot smaller, but I had more mixture so why not?!

Let them sit and dry (it took a lot longer to dry than they said it would, but it was cold and rainy out when I did it so maybe that was why?!)

They did not seem quite fragrant enough for me (even though I added like 3 times more EO than it called for) So I thought I would just dump a bunch of drops of EO onto the drying pieces.  It worked, they smelled better that way!!

Finally all dried and ready to come out--- Becareful!  these will crumble apart if you are not really, really, really gentle taking them out of the mold.  Place them in a cute, fancy  left over, clean pickle jar and wait for the next victim to come down with a cold to use them.
So Sam had a cough a few days later---  I was all excited and said I had something that would help when he took his shower.  I added a few of the eggs (they are small)  and nothing happened, so I added several more.  Still nothing, so I had him sniff the cute, fancy  left over clean pickle jar after the shower.  I was not discouraged though--  they were small pieces after all, I just knew the bigger pieces would pack the punch I was looking for.
Fast forward a few more weeks.  I got the cold of all colds (UGH)  I couldn't breathe I was all stuffed up, but have no fear, I said, (yes, I often talk to myself these days) I have my little "vicks disks!!"
So I put 2 bigger pieces in-- nothing, then I added 2 more, still nothing.  So now I am frustrated, so I ended up dumping the whole jar in... and can you believe it... NADA, ZILCH, NOTHING happened.  They dissolved, but the aroma that was suppose to help open me up and help me breathe never came.  I was pretty dissapointed to say the least!!  So I did what any other person would do, I smelled the cute, fancy  left over clean pickle jar and got out the real vicks to help...

Would I ever make this again?
NO WAY!!  It was pretty disappointing and I used up most of my EO, so this little experiment was not a cheap one.  Too bad too, it really sounded like a great idea!!!