Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Molly's first week with Sam at Kindergarten

Day 2
Let me preface this by saying that Molly has not napped more than about 1 day a week in about a year, since school started she has been napping. everyday. This is very perplexing to me, but it has been really good for her, and me :) At least she stacked them up nicely.
Day 3
ok, so I said she has been napping, I did NOT say that she was super good prior to falling asleep. There are a few things that have been occurring during nap time. Like for instance as in the picture above, she, yet again opened the blind all the way. But, she was sound asleep, with several of the Elmos out and about. Another thing that she has been doing lately is remove all of her clothing (except for her undies thankfully) before she falls asleep. Who knows why? She then stuffs them behind her bed (which is really easy to get to ha)
I am not sure what she was thinking here: she found my stash of baby wipes, unwrapped the plastic covering, and then proceeded to pull out a bunch of the wipes. When I asked why she said it was because she liked wipes. huh?!Day 5
Those are minor little things though compared to this...She was opening the blind (I believe) and since I was getting smarter (so I thought) I pulled the blind string up and over the curtain rod so she could not open the blind. She has been working hard and for a long time on this one. She explained how the stacked up some of her things (Elmo and blanket) and jumped to get it. And down it came... But that did not stop her--- the curtain rod might have fallen, but that only made it easier to pull open the blind. grrr. She knew she was in trouble, she instantly did this once I came into the room and asked her what had happened.because you see, If the blanket is over her head I will never know that she is there.

Have I mentioned how incredibly good she has been lately?! Well, at least her attitude and emotions are better... This is the worse she has been, honestly