Sunday, October 09, 2011

kindergarten--it came, it went, it is still going

Wow! that last post took a little deeper turn than I had anticipated... here are some pictures of that glorious first week:
Sam got to meet his school's name sake that first morning--- I know he has no idea what that means, but it was cool to get her picture with him none the less.

I did not want the memory from Sam's first day of school to be the traditional picture of him standing outside, book bag in hand with a big goofy/cheesy grin on his face. I had seen somewhere that you are suppose to take candid shots all that morning and pick the best one as the memory. We are not morning people. We do not get going easily. We do not usually wake up early enough to have time to spare in the mornings. This being said, there were no real good "candid" opportunities. (unless us rushing around, half crazy like is good candid ) We make it all the way to school, still no candid shots, I realize this, and I know that I would not be able to live with myself if i did not have a shot of my son on his first day of school. It is close to time to start, so what do I do? What any other cool mom does who wants a non-posed, beautifully candid shot of her first child's first day of school... and sit him on the bench outside of his classroom and holler "say cheese". and that my friends is how you end up with THIS as your son's cool candid memory:

I wanted to capture it all (I am getting older you know) so that when Sam asks me about his first day I can actually remember it. So I thought i would tape his wake-up call:

if you can not see it you can go HERE

and then take a picture of what he looked like when he got home from that first day:
I had an excited jumpy little boy on video when he got home, but he has his name tag on and I did not want to display that :)

Why stop at the first day? This is before school on day 2
Before school on day 3: check out that energy at 7 am!!!

But wait... what happened? this is after school day 3... could it be? my wild and crazy boy asleep on the floor? he was so exhausted, he fell asleep with the window open, playing with his toys.poor boy, he was exhausted!!! I am so glad he gave in and just took a nap.Apparently he did not finish out the week, as I have absolutely no pictures of day 4 or 5?! Not sure what happened, I was on a role. Sorry Sam, I did have a good start though.


Anonymous said...

What a fun post. It was worth the
L O N G wait. :)
I am sure you could hear my voice ringing in the background as you took him to school..."just wait...they grow up so blink and they are gone".
Yes...that is the truth!