Sunday, April 03, 2011

Klutz with a capitol "K"

Ok, so far 2011 has not started great, though I guess you could say that it did start off with a 'bang'. Shortly after after the year started my back went out... bad. I even went to the doctor and took drugs it was so bad!!! It FINALLY healed (thanks to many, many prayers!) after like 5 weeks. I then got a cold and lost my voice yet again (kids appreciate that) and then I twisted my ankle. I am such a klutz. We had a ladies night out at the church. 3 of us carpooled there so afterward we sat in the car and chatted for a while. Let me start by saying that I tend to sit on my legs while sitting and talking. It was getting late and time to head home. I opened the door, took a step out and just fell straight down. I am sure it was quite comical to see. I do remember one of my friends saying "where'd she go?" It was like a cartoon. one minute I was standing there, a second later poof-- I was on the ground. Here is what went down... Apparently as I sat on my leg while talking, it fell asleep. I took a step out of the car with 1st foot all was well, then I took a step out of the car with the leg that was asleep and boom. Had I realized my foot was asleep I probably would have exited the car a little differently... oh well. Thanks to Meghan, I got up, but I did not know if I was hurt or not... my foot was completely asleep. And then the tingling came. I was unsure if I had horrible tingling because my foot was starting to wake up or if it was really hurt... I called Kirk on the way home to tell him what happened... (Don't forget that I had lost my voice, so I was breathing heavy from the pain and no voice). Poor Kirk could not understand a word I said. He was a little confused. He tried to piece together what I was saying and thought I had hurt myself but did not know how or why or the extent. Thankfully I was about 10 minutes away. This is what we saw when I got home:A few days later it turned a very pretty purple color--- no I am not kidding--- it was a pretty shade. It also had that greenish-yellow color to it (not quite as cute). It even bruised the other sideThat was a month ago, it is still a little swollen with a bump. and oh so very tender to touch... I am sure hoping that April will be start to a much better 2011!!! :)