Tuesday, March 29, 2011

we have ARRIVED at FIVE

I know that I say this every single year, but, WOW!!! I can't believe Sam is already 5!!! It really has gone by so quickly. All he can talk about is how excited he is to start kindergarten now that he is 5. Kindergarten?!

We went with a spiderman theme (thanks mom for the idea) Seems the only thing he really likes is trains, and since we did that last year, as well as the year before I could not do it again. I have a good idea for another theme, but I want to use it when we have more friends and a bigger party---so, spiderman it was... and he was not disappointed. He had a great time with his grandparents (Pa and Ma, Grandpop and Nonna) as well as Aunt Leigh. and of course he made out like a bandit!! Happy birthday my sweet, sweet little boy. You are so tender-hearted, you are a hard worker and have some really great characteristics that I can not wait to see develop even more. You are growing a cute sense of humor and still have that twinkle in your eyes. You keep your eye on your sister at all times (otherwise she will cold cock you ha) and look out for her. I know you are going to be a great protector for her when you are both older. I am so proud to call you my son. I know you are growing up and before long you will not want sit and snuggle with mommy during curious George, so I will always treasure these days, even through the trying days. I love you buddy! Happy 5th birthday!


Anonymous said...

Wiping a tear!! They grow up too fast.