Friday, July 16, 2010

and the result is.....

and 7 days later we found out that there were definitely more than 3---- there were 5! As the kids and I were playing in the back. I nonchalantly checked out the scene. (the kids don't know about the new little babies we are growing yet... it is just best that way, for everyone involved) I found 2 huddled up IN the playhouse... and 3 in the whole to the side of the playhouse hwere they were originally spotted, only with less fur around them. I can't believe how much they have grown... and here they are--
Did you guess it?! BUNNIES! Again, the kids were kept in the dark about our house guests. However, 2 days later...I only saw 1 lone bunny when we were out in the yard. Kirk had done a little reading up on them and we thought they might be alright if we were to touch them. And since there was only 1 left in the nest we thought why not?! Only problem was, after supper, when we went back out to see the lone bunny, they had multiplied YET again... there were 3 all huddled together in the tall grass beside the playhouse, under the swing set. We debated and debated and decided to only allow Sam to "See" the bunnies since there were so many left. Sam was "itching" to touch them and then we remembered something that Kirk had read... in just one season, a single female rabbit can have about 900 babies/grandbabies/great-grand babies. WOW!!! yes, I said 900!!!! When I went to get 1, the bunnies scattered in 3 different positions, and FAST too!both kids were so excited to pet the tiny bunny. We had not really told Molly what was going on, but as soon as she saw it in my hand, she started shouting BUNNY RABBIT BUNNY RABBIT. I was amazed that she knew what it was... she had only saw a small section of his face. after I put our bunny back into his home, I went to look for the others to see if they were still around. I was able to find 2 huddled up against a fence post and another huddled against the fence close by. That makes 4 and I am almost positive that 1 of the 3 was still under the rose bush, if so that would make 5 again.