Thursday, July 29, 2010


One of my favorite things to do is look at my sweet children as they sleep. There is something so sweet, innocent, peaceful and calm about it. Maybe it is because they are in constant non-stop motion while awake. though I don't like what sleep means for them (a time to recharge their little batteries) I do like the stillness of the night. I also like to see the interesting positions they end up in...Molly is usually always the same. blue and yellow blanket (ganket) underneath her, a friend by her head or her side and a green pacifier in her mouth. with the other pacifier close by.

check out this one... 1 in mouth, 1 in each hand--- ain't nobody gonna mess with her addiction here :)Sam on the other hand... well, let's just say that he is a more "active"sleeper. He is a moth to light. He will try to get as close to the light in the hallway as he can. We have side rails on his bed, still not sure why...
here he hangs over the foot board... (point closest to the door--- the door that allows the light from the hallway in)
Here he is as low as he can go in the bed. His feet are hanging over in the sheet. Also his bed buddies (taggie, dog and other stuffed animal (this one changes weekly)) have fallen onto the floor by being too close to the edge.
And then there is this one.. his whole little body is balanced on the narrow foot board, and of course, his head facing the door.