Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Will I EVER learn?

Quiet plus Toddler = TROUBLE!!! have I not said this equation before?

I was on the phone, Kirk was calling to let me know that he was on his way home from work. We had been in the kitchen, I was working on food, Sam was playing in the pantry (for some reason the pantry has become a great place to play cars) I went into the family room, Sam remained in the pantry. I then hear him whimpering and ask what is wrong, he doesn't answer, but continues to whimper. Since Sam is good at whimpering when I am on the phone, I keep talking. Then the whimpering sounded different so I go to see what is going on. I discover Samuel covered in crystal light powder. He somehow managed to open one of the tubs and get the powder all over him. The flavor was strawberry, therefore the color was red. Somehow (don't know how) it stuck to his hands, arms, legs and feet. When I got to him, Samuel had the look of pure terror on his face. He continued to whimper, showed me his feet and then lunged to me. It was at this point that I realized he thought the kool aid was blood and that he was hurt! It took me quite a while to calm him and to show him that he was not hurt. Because he was so scared it took a while for the thought to pop into my head ("I need a picture of this!") This was the post drama picture
Notice his clothes are off, they too were covered in the powder and were removed at the scene of the crime.
I can see how a 2 year old would confuse this with blood... it really did look scary especially since he was covered in it!


Anonymous said...

Too funny.
I can see it now..if it was "real" blood. You would tell Sam to hang on until you got a picture..then you can take him to the hospital.hahahaha
You know who! :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't is amazing the things that they come up with and do? You'll have a book full, just like me. Boys! Hopefully Molly won't be quite as curious - some girls are, but most are much more compliant compared to little boys. He is so cute though!

Luke just learned to write his name, I found out because he used a marker to write it on my dining table! Let's see.. Jake wanted to catch a cat in our back forest, so he set Kent's trap with tuna and caught a racoon! I thought it was funny, but Kent didn't really think so. I know my boys don't intend to do wrong (usually), they just have to try everything for themselves.

Although I know that my kids are not mean spirited or rebellious right now, I am preparing myself for the teen years and a possible visit from a cop with a boy in tow! Perhaps God will bless me and I will not be granted this type of honor- smile. All of my illusions of perfect kids and being a perfect parent have disappeared. We all just learn as we go, and God gives us the grace to do so.