Friday, September 05, 2008

the ZOO

What a BIG day! Kirk was off and so we took Samuel on his first Zoo trip. Of course the trip started with a ride on the "choo choo" rail system in our city. Sam was so excited-- he is in awe of anything train related.
The first animals we saw were "boblos". (His FAVORITE thing in the whole world is his penguin Pablo from the backyardigans. ) He had fun watching these guys, they had just as much fun watching him I think!
The gorilla (gaw-key) was next. It was so neat that it was right there in front of the window for us. Too bad the lady would not move an inch to let Sam get right in front! (and we were there for quite a while)
They have this neat children's area where you can play with the birds. Sam went right in and tried to pick them up and put them on his own shoulder. You would have thought that he had been there before or that we had told him he could do this... He had no fear whatsoever.
It was a BIG day and a lot of fun, but then a RARE, RARE event happened. Sam put on his shades, put his arms behind his head actually CLOSED HIS EYES!!! He was asleep within 5 minutes of getting into the car.

Sam had a lot of fun seeing all of the animals and loved repeating all of the funny names of the unusual ones. We enjoyed seeing him explore the wonderful world of animals!


Anonymous said...

I see that Kirk LOVED the bird on his arm.hahahahaha

Daphney Harris said...

Sam is so adorable! The only problem is the OU shirt. We must get that boy some orange!