Thursday, May 29, 2008

Young Love

So, Hanna came over to play last week. Samuel has decided that "pushing" is a fun thing, but is learning that he will get into trouble when he pushed Hanna. He was told to apologize to Hanna. Apparently the word "sorry" is very difficult for a 2 year old to say. (amazing that they can already comprehend that sorry means something!!) Hanna must have felt his agony since it was so hard for him to say and he tried everything else he could think of without saying it, that she just puckered up and kissed him. So very sweet!! I believe they both got a kick out of it. I had to pull the camera out and this is what I got when I said "Sam say you are sorry and give Hanna a kiss." They then kissed a couple of times... I had to say "ok kiddos, that is enough!!!!" If this is the way they behave at 2 what will they be like at 15? Guess we are gonna have to watch out for those two! Oh yeah, for those of you who want to know... Sam did finally apologize - (it was even loud enough for all to hear!) Then again, if a cute little girl was kissing you wouldn't you say I am sorry as well?


Michelle {bsktgirl} said...

Hanna should be careful so that Sam doesnt ruin her reputation....all that kissing! :)