Friday, January 11, 2008


Today was the much anticipated sonogram. It is a bittersweet time for me, I can't wait to see the baby, but I worry about what all could be wrong with the development of him. God is so good, according to the sono everything seems to be forming perfectly. Of course Kirk and I wanted to find out the gender of our precious little one. I was so convinced that he was a boy, but when the sonographer showed the area with the legs wide open for perfect viewing, I realized that "he" was a "SHE!" I looked over to Kirk and said "it's a GIRL!" then I turned to the sonographer and said right?! Yes, she confirmed it (then proceeded to tell me not to go to Vegas) The perinatologist confirmed it twice as well (I told him I needed the confirmation, otherwise this was going to be one of the pinkest/frilliest little boys around ha ha) She was quite active throughout the sono, it seems her whole body moves when she moves an arm or leg. I have a feeling we have another "high energy" child brewing! We are so excited to be a part of this exciting adventure and can't wait to see what the future holds!