Saturday, January 26, 2008


Last week Sam and I made a quick last minute trip to Ohio to visit with family. My parents were already going and decided to see if Samuel could go. Apparently they did not think that they could handle him with all of the traveling etc and so asked if his "nanny" could come along as well. As it turned out I was available and able to change a couple of my appts. so off we went. It was really good to see the relatives, though it was a tiring trip. Sam was a trooper (as always )and just seemed to go with the flow. His entire schedule was turned upside down and naps were missed, but he remained in a pleasant mood.

Though I always have the camera with me, I tend to forget to take it out and capture those precious memories. No pics of the airport or the plane ride, though I must say Samuel enjoyed both! He was very interested in the man sitting beside us on the plane even though the man wanted nothing to do with Sam. Samuel would try everything he could think of to get this man's attention, but to no avail. When the man was resting his eyes, Sam would just stare at him and then wave at him. When the man took a drink from his water bottle, Samuel would take a drink from his sippy cup. He would put his water bottle in the pouch in front of him and then the sippy cup made it tto the pouch in front of us. It was pretty cute, and it kept Samuel entertained for a little bit. He thought sitting on mommy's lap got old pretty fast, but did enjoy the perks that came with it. (lots of candy treats, sips of mommy's drink from the actual cup, and lots of singing and talking.) He also thought it was pretty cool to be able to go to the row in front of him and find Pa and Ma (with more treats and actual coke from the cup!)

We arrived in Ohio to brrrr cold weather. It must have been cold to Samuel as well, as he never fought once when I put the hat upon his head! Mom and dad bought him a coat just before we left (thankfully) knowing how cold it was suppose to be.

After landing and checking into the hotel we headed over to the activities building at the church that my mom was raised in as well as Rod and myself. (Grandpa continues to go there) Samuel was greeted with quite the welcoming committee! DeAnna, Jeffery and AliAnna were very excited to see him. Samuel is not used to that kind of reception and at first was a little taken back, but I think he really started to like all of the attention!

AliAnna and Jeffery greet Sam
Here is Jeffery carrying Samuel
DeAnna and Samuel "chatting it up"
DeAnna, Samuel, and Jeffery
Everyone enjoyed playing with the balls
Samuel and my cousin Jeff
Samuel loved DeAnna... she would go wherever he wanted to go