Saturday, January 26, 2008


Last week Sam and I made a quick last minute trip to Ohio to visit with family. My parents were already going and decided to see if Samuel could go. Apparently they did not think that they could handle him with all of the traveling etc and so asked if his "nanny" could come along as well. As it turned out I was available and able to change a couple of my appts. so off we went. It was really good to see the relatives, though it was a tiring trip. Sam was a trooper (as always )and just seemed to go with the flow. His entire schedule was turned upside down and naps were missed, but he remained in a pleasant mood.

Though I always have the camera with me, I tend to forget to take it out and capture those precious memories. No pics of the airport or the plane ride, though I must say Samuel enjoyed both! He was very interested in the man sitting beside us on the plane even though the man wanted nothing to do with Sam. Samuel would try everything he could think of to get this man's attention, but to no avail. When the man was resting his eyes, Sam would just stare at him and then wave at him. When the man took a drink from his water bottle, Samuel would take a drink from his sippy cup. He would put his water bottle in the pouch in front of him and then the sippy cup made it tto the pouch in front of us. It was pretty cute, and it kept Samuel entertained for a little bit. He thought sitting on mommy's lap got old pretty fast, but did enjoy the perks that came with it. (lots of candy treats, sips of mommy's drink from the actual cup, and lots of singing and talking.) He also thought it was pretty cool to be able to go to the row in front of him and find Pa and Ma (with more treats and actual coke from the cup!)

We arrived in Ohio to brrrr cold weather. It must have been cold to Samuel as well, as he never fought once when I put the hat upon his head! Mom and dad bought him a coat just before we left (thankfully) knowing how cold it was suppose to be.

After landing and checking into the hotel we headed over to the activities building at the church that my mom was raised in as well as Rod and myself. (Grandpa continues to go there) Samuel was greeted with quite the welcoming committee! DeAnna, Jeffery and AliAnna were very excited to see him. Samuel is not used to that kind of reception and at first was a little taken back, but I think he really started to like all of the attention!

AliAnna and Jeffery greet Sam
Here is Jeffery carrying Samuel
DeAnna and Samuel "chatting it up"
DeAnna, Samuel, and Jeffery
Everyone enjoyed playing with the balls
Samuel and my cousin Jeff
Samuel loved DeAnna... she would go wherever he wanted to go

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Busy weekend

Saturday was haircut day. Sam has been looking quite "scruffy" lately so it was time yet again for another haircut. This is his 4th haircut, though his first 2 were given by me (that is when he lost his cute curls) I wasn't able to get pictures of his first "real" haircut as I had to hold him on my lap. I thought I was going to have to hold him again this time because as soon as he sat in the chair he started to cry and cling onto me. He then saw daddy sitting in the chair next to him as he was preparing for his haircut. Sam then decided he was a "big boy" and sat there as though he did it all of the time! He is pretty good and was even better once he was able to hold a comb in each hand.

After his haircut and a good nap, Sam was able to go to Joshua's 1 year birthday party. As you can see he decided he needed to be right in the middle of things when there were presents being opened. (he had a hard time at home keeping his hands off of the present we brought ha ha)

Josh was so excited about his new cell phone that he did not even notice Sam and Matthew eyeing (and later opening) the big present behind him!!

Hope you had a super birthday Josh. Thanks for letting Sam help you with your presents!

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Cell Phone

Check out the new cell phone that I am going to get once my current contract is up...

click on: CELL PHONE

Friday, January 11, 2008


Today was the much anticipated sonogram. It is a bittersweet time for me, I can't wait to see the baby, but I worry about what all could be wrong with the development of him. God is so good, according to the sono everything seems to be forming perfectly. Of course Kirk and I wanted to find out the gender of our precious little one. I was so convinced that he was a boy, but when the sonographer showed the area with the legs wide open for perfect viewing, I realized that "he" was a "SHE!" I looked over to Kirk and said "it's a GIRL!" then I turned to the sonographer and said right?! Yes, she confirmed it (then proceeded to tell me not to go to Vegas) The perinatologist confirmed it twice as well (I told him I needed the confirmation, otherwise this was going to be one of the pinkest/frilliest little boys around ha ha) She was quite active throughout the sono, it seems her whole body moves when she moves an arm or leg. I have a feeling we have another "high energy" child brewing! We are so excited to be a part of this exciting adventure and can't wait to see what the future holds!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

न्यू Year

This year has been pretty good so far.

~I get to hang out with this sweet face every day

~The weather has been great! It has been in the mid to upper 70's since Sat! I know it won't last long, but it is nice to have some warmer days in the midst of winter. I did appreciate the cooler weather last week though, we had a fire in the fireplace several nights in a row! I love to watch the fire and hear the crack and pop of the wood.

~'Christmas' is officially gone from my house (though it is always a little sad to put it away)

~I have been able to feel little "flutters" in my belly. I am looking forward to being able to really feel the baby move. (and curious as to whether this one will flip and roll as much as Samuel did.) If only we would have known then what we know now. Samuel never really kicked much, he would, however, flip and flop all around. This was apparently a precursor to his extremely energetic self (as yes, he still flips and flops all the time ha)

~My car will be able to be fixed this week. We will take it to the shop in the am.

~Kirk has really enjoyed his Wii

~my dear friend from college (the one who is due on the same day as we are) has already been able to see her miracle (baby) on sono and knows what she is having (though she won't share until we have ours!!-no fair!)

~Only 4 more days until we get to see our sweet miracle on sono. (and take a peek at the gender)

~The unfortunate thing is that I saw gas cross the barrier- it was $3.01 today. It is mid winter... what will it cost this summer?

Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy 2008!

Hope you all had a happy new year and have been able to start 2008 right. One good thing about being pregnant... I don't have to come up with which crazy diet I have to start this week... but believe me, I will have more than enough weight to worry about come June. Then I will be the one looking at the best fad diets while all the rest of my friends will be enjoying their new swimsuit bods!! UGH

click here to see a funny ad that Kirk sent me. It just cracks me up!