Thursday, January 21, 2016

It was the final day of the fall soccer season.  It was a nice afternoon.  but then all of the sudden  it turned COLD.... COLD AND WET. 
It started to rain just as the game was to begin. 

Molly and soccer, it is an interesting combination of course.
If she would just pay attention to the ball I think she could actually become a good player, she needs to work a bit on skills, but first we need to work on paying attention (hmmmm, wonder how we can do that?!?!)
So I just knew once the rain started it was all over for Molly.  There was no way that she would be focused for this game.  It was COLD and WET (sorry, did I mention that before?  I just wanted to make sure everyone understood the conditions I had to sit in ha ha)

But that little girl surprised me...  She actually tried to play.  Now let me just remind you, there are 2 things that Molly can not handle 1) being COLD and 2) being WET.  The combo this night was enough to send anyone over the edge, but she took it all in stride!! (I was amazing, and quite proud!) I am not saying she kicked the winning goal or anything, but she hung in there--- and for Molly, that is saying something

go number 4 go!!! 
 she is in the scrum 
 wow, will you look at that---  it is pouring down rain on us!
 letting me know that she was cold and wet
look at her go 
 FINALLY there was lightning, and the game was called
my 2 sweet little wet, cold rats---  off to home for warm baths, hot chocolate and popcorn!!!