Tuesday, January 19, 2016

FALL 2015

 We made a quick day trip to OK for a special occasion for Kirk's dad.  it was fall and the foliage was turning.  The kids were in fall clothes, the scenery was beautiful and guess what, I just so happened to have my camera with me. We were on a time crunch to get back to Molly's soccer game, but we stopped for just a moment just to get that perfect photo. 
 unfortunately the subjects were not as perfect as the scenery.  oh, and the photographer was not aware of the shadows cast by the trees....  yet another hopeful pinterest perfect moment FAILED
 the kids gathered next to one another oh so well....  
 the girl won't look up...
 oh wait, there it is...

 or maybe not...
 the boy, well he just did not want to pose (crazy, I know!)


then the posing began (if I remember right there might have been a little threat talk prior to this)

 trust me 
 the best
 I got
 Sam at least posed appropriately
 he just
 wouldn't/couldn't smile
 one of my faves.... ha


yup, you guessed it.... these are the best we got,  guess we will give it a try next year!


Anonymous said...

I think there are a few good ones...I need to get a couple of these.