Thursday, December 24, 2015

Children's choir sings with adult choir 12/6/15

So the kids sang a whole whoppin' one song in big church this year...  and did I mention it was with the adult choir so that you couldn't even hear the kids?  It was kind of disappointing.  They had a boy sing the solo from a local boys choir.  It was loud, and like I said so loud that you could not hear my kids (that shows how loud the volume was... you can ALWAYS here those kids!! ha) We could hear Molly here and there though while we were in the audience.  Can't really tell on the tape though.
this was the taping during the 2nd hour ( I love how we had the ability to have do-overs :)) only problem was that apparently I had a few too many previous movies and pictures on my camera because half was through it I got the FULL words across the screen and taping was DONE.  This was the clearer of the too as well (I was closer to the kids) Oh well.  still can't hear them though.

they sure do clean up well don't they?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

soccer fun

Look who has joined the crazy world of SOCCER
She may not know the game, the rules, the objective, or even care what it is all about for that matter
but just look at her....  can she be any cuter???

Saturday, July 25, 2015

yum yum yum we are growing BLACK BERRIES!!!

 We had a bumper crop this year
It was amazing to see how many there were
we were able to fill up this bowl
and our bellies
I had some great helpers
 look at the size of these babies!!!! YUM

Friday, July 24, 2015

summer fun

It's been HOT, not as hot as it usually is this time of year, but HOT nonetheless.
We have fun trying ways to cool down
and lots and lots of picnics outside... apparently it is NEVER too hot to picnic!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

swimming fun?

Our neighborhood pool had been closed for several days and the kids were itching to swim.  I promised after cleaning up their rooms that we would go.  Well, they did it lickity split and we were so excited.  We got ready, put on our suits, greased up with sunscreen and headed outside.
Only one BIG problem...
It started to rain.  and then there was thunder.  We have a monitor at our pool, and they will not let you you swim for 30 mins after a thunder sound UGH!
It was pretty sad when the kids realized what this meant...

The rains cleared up.  We got all ready to go again...  excitedly headed to the pool only to find it to still be closed.  I felt pretty bad about this.  I had promised them for a few days and it looked like it was not going to happen...again. BUT then...  a BRILLIANT idea popped into my mind if I do say so myself.
SO I made a little phone call, shared our dilemma  and waa-laa.  Headed to Ma and Pa's neighborhood pool.
check out the happiness!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

a day in the life....

It is summer, but these kids still enjoy getting up early.  I was not quite as chipper in the morning.   So how to solve this and make it a win-win-win?!
pull out the ipad, bring in the blankets and a few friends and then let them watch odd squad on the ipad while I "rest" my eyes for 30 more minutes :)  Great snuggle time too!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Good Bye Molly the Fish

We had a sad day.  
I did not think this day would ever come.
Our fish "Molly the Fish" decided that after 2 1/2 years she was done. 
she swam her lost swim and floated to the top of her bowl.
we had a nice little ceremony for it.  and buried her in the backyard... right by the old dead frog :)

Monday, July 20, 2015


It was a very humid day, one of the warmest so far this year...  Molly had decided that the cowboy hat needed to be warn for this outing...  It was a great choice, i mean really, what goes better with a cowboy hat than a photo shoot with trains?!?
They did really good, they were in a pretty good place this day and were asking for their pictures to be taken-- yes, THEY were ASKING ME!!!!  So I MUST do it!
Sam saw these benches and wanted his "alone" shot here
but guess who wanted to join in on the fun... Thankfully they were able to have separate benches or it might have destroyed the great shoot

HATS OFF to a GREAT day and start to SUMMER 2015!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

There's 104days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it....

Ok, so there are not actually 104 days like on Phineas and Ferb, we actually only have 79 (including weekends etc) BUMMER...  so I guess we just have to make the very best each of our days.
It would be really cool if we could build awesome things and have a ton of ingenious ideas like those crazy, odd headed children, but I know that that would not be reality.
We will, however, make the most of it.  I know it will be jammed packed with picnics, trips to the pool and the zoo, soccer practice and games as well as hanging out with our friends.

The first few days of summer vacation were pretty busy, preparing for Molly's birthday party and having family come over to celebrate her 7th year! Then we had to get some needed things taken care of so, not as fun as the kids were hoping for, but I think we made up for it.

We headed to the library to get our summer reading started,
we saw some trains and thought it the perfect time for a photo shoot

 got our summer "do's"

and topped it all off with an amazing bubble bath in the BIG tub

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The walk home....

 The walk home from school is always fun.  I enjoy it because we can talk about our day and also enjoy the nice fresh air.  There is always something goofy or funny that occurs on these walks.  Today, Molly was ahead of us.  Apparently she was weary from the short walk and decided to sit down at the intersection while she waited for us.  Seriously---  who teaches that girl to pose?  Is she 6 or 16???!!!

Then there is Sam--- or shall I call him "spider-Sam"??!!

The rock is always good for poses---  or the sidewalk.

Then Molly sat in the neighbor across the street's  yard, while waiting for Sam and I to catch up again---  there is that pose again---is that called DIVA??

From 11/2014


Just believe (sam)

RACE TO WIN -----Molly sings ensemble

Molly got to sing in an ensemble with a couple of other girls.  They practiced the song a couple of times before the performance  I just got her part....Here is take 1
Thank you Lord rehearsal #2-- Molly focuses on the "tape" marks of where to stand.  Last note is a doozy for the whole crew

And the actual performance of the entire song

RACE TO WIN Sam parts

Very first song of the musical
Here are several of the lines that Sam had during the program
I wish I would have gotten the entire musical instead of snip-its--- I'll try to remember that for next year!!

RACE to WIN "I've Got The Power"

Our Children's choir at church performed their summer musical last week.  It was very good (and yes, I am just a wee bit biased)  Sam had a great speaking part this year!!  His character (Chief) has lines in every scene (except the opening and the end.)  He did a Fabulous job!!!  Unfortunately, I did not get all of great parts due to technical difficulties...  My camera died mid production. The back up camera was not working as well--  and most things ended up VERY, VERY blurry.  I almost felt like the "crew" did in the musical, when they find out that the backup engine exploded (Sam's line no less!) 
So, all that to say----  here is one of the songs.  We were fortunate enough to be hanging out during the rehearsal right before the performance.  Sam and Molly were on the complete opposite ends of the stage the ENTIRE  musical.  I knew I would be focusing on Sam mostly during the actual performance (which unfortunately did not happen like I wanted--- see above) so I thought it would be great to focus on Molly during the practice.  
This did tape better for a few reasons---  the camera did not have to keep readjusting to the lighting changes and I was up close and personal.  The draw back is that it is rehearsal therefore people are moving all about etc.
Molly, Molly, Molly.  Well, another thing about rehearsal---  you get to see what she wants to do so bad--- sing right into the microphone as though she is the only one there. 
Sam and Molly during rehearsal
The actual performance.  Molly so wishes she had that solo for this song, I love watching her "sing the words" to herself (Kirk started taping here, he got Molly)
I've got the Power actual performance-- Sam

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


 and this is why I always ask---  will you eat a second one?  Are you sure you want another?
The Easter egg line up...

Monday, April 13, 2015

Soccer spring 2015

Sam is into soccer... He loves it, which means that I now love it too. 
 It  is so  fun to watch him play each week
 He has really gotten better and has shown some great progress
 yes, he is ALWAYS happy while playing...

 You can't wipe that sweet smile off his face
it truly makes sitting in the cold, the rain, the heat, and the wind so worth it!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2015


The scavenger Easter egg hunt
 reading a clue
the race is on... who can get there first?
 hmmm, Sam and Molly try to solve the clue
up in the tree?
perfect for my little tree climber!!
 love the look of accomplishment!
All in all....  quite a fun night, and a great success!!