Thursday, July 23, 2015

swimming fun?

Our neighborhood pool had been closed for several days and the kids were itching to swim.  I promised after cleaning up their rooms that we would go.  Well, they did it lickity split and we were so excited.  We got ready, put on our suits, greased up with sunscreen and headed outside.
Only one BIG problem...
It started to rain.  and then there was thunder.  We have a monitor at our pool, and they will not let you you swim for 30 mins after a thunder sound UGH!
It was pretty sad when the kids realized what this meant...

The rains cleared up.  We got all ready to go again...  excitedly headed to the pool only to find it to still be closed.  I felt pretty bad about this.  I had promised them for a few days and it looked like it was not going to happen...again. BUT then...  a BRILLIANT idea popped into my mind if I do say so myself.
SO I made a little phone call, shared our dilemma  and waa-laa.  Headed to Ma and Pa's neighborhood pool.
check out the happiness!!!