Saturday, June 13, 2015

The walk home....

 The walk home from school is always fun.  I enjoy it because we can talk about our day and also enjoy the nice fresh air.  There is always something goofy or funny that occurs on these walks.  Today, Molly was ahead of us.  Apparently she was weary from the short walk and decided to sit down at the intersection while she waited for us.  Seriously---  who teaches that girl to pose?  Is she 6 or 16???!!!

Then there is Sam--- or shall I call him "spider-Sam"??!!

The rock is always good for poses---  or the sidewalk.

Then Molly sat in the neighbor across the street's  yard, while waiting for Sam and I to catch up again---  there is that pose again---is that called DIVA??

From 11/2014